The Spiritual Waiting Room
Faithful Prophet
Recognized Identified Acknowledged
Eyes Have Seen Salvation
(Photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)
Scripture: Luke 2:29 and 30
"Now, O Holy One, you may dismiss your servant in peace, as your word has proclaimed, for I have seen Your salvation with my eyes."
Have you ever thought about actually seeing salvation? Salvation is an amazing gift, and it is overwhelming to think that somehow, we might be able to come face to face with it.
Simeon is older and he has been awaiting the coming of redemption for the people of Israel. The Holy Spirit had revealed to him that he would see the Messiah before he died.
He was faithful to the traditions and teachings of his Jewish faith. He was very familiar with the writings of the prophets. He lived in a time of great anticipation. People were looking for someone who could lead the people to a deeper relationship with the Holy One and true freedom from oppression.
Simeon recognized something extraordinary in this young child whom Mary and Joseph brought to the Temple in Jerusalem to be presented to the Holy One. He knew that this child was the Messiah.
He identified special characteristics in this young boy. He was guided by the Holy Spirit. He was excited to share this news with Mary and Joseph. They must have been so happy that Simeon acknowledged the mission of their young son.
It was an unexpected encounter. Mary and Joseph were just going to the Temple to fulfill the requirements of the Law. What a surprise to encounter Simeon and then to hear him speak so highly of their son.
It was a special moment for Simeon also. He proclaimed that his eyes had now seen salvation. He knew that this child would bring the Good News of God's Love and care for all of us. He knew that all of us would never be the same because of what this child would do. Redemption and forgiveness had now arrived among us.
His eyes were opened to what God wanted to do for the People of God. What a feeling of pure joy for Simeon and for all of us as we reflect on what God wants to share with each one of us.
God is not holding back. The Son of God has taken on human flesh. He is one with us. Pure Love surrounds us.
We just need the sight, the eyes of faith, to recognize it as Simeon did!
1. Have you ever seen salvation?
2. How did the Holy Spirit work in Simeon's life?
3. If you were Mary or Joseph, how would you have reacted to Simeon's message about your son?
4. What are some obstacles that have stopped you from seeing Jesus in your life?
5. What do you SEE as you reflect on Kathy's photo?
(Scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara)
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