The Spiritual Waiting Room
Raised Dwelling
Relying Hope Trust
Stood On Level Ground
(Photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)
Scripture: Luke 6:17
Jesus came down with them and stood on level ground. A big crowd followed Him, and they gathered from Judea, Jerusalem, Tyre, and Sidon.
I always remember the thrill of climbing a tree when I was younger. It gave me such a sense that I was so much taller than everyone else and I really loved the difference in perspective.
I was literally raised up. I felt that I was dwelling in a different space.
I loved looking down on my friends. I felt powerful and superior.
I was relying on myself and on my ability to go higher than everyone else. My hope was that all my friends would think that I was special. I quickly found out that they were up for the challenge and climbed even higher than me!
As I matured, I realized that those trees that I climbed were signs of God's majesty and power. When I look at trees today, my admiration and trust in God grows. If God could gift us with so many varieties of beautiful trees, I know God will take care of me as well.
Our passage from Luke reaffirms this. Jesus is going to share His teaching on the Beatitudes or Blessings with a huge crowd. He does not climb a tree or a mountain (as in Matthew) to claim superiority as I tried to do.
Jesus becomes one with the crowd. He stands on level ground. He wants to show the people that He loves them and understands them.
For Jesus it is never about position or power. He has come to serve and to teach by His example.
He gave His life for us and then showed us His resurrected self. He sanctified all trees by dying on the tree of the cross. He overcame death and let us know that resurrected life awaits us also.
The trees that we admire and climb lead us to a deeper appreciation of our God who shows us how deeply we are loved.
Enjoy the trees that God is sending to you!
1. Did you ever climb trees when you were younger?
2. What do you feel when you encounter a beautiful tree?
3. Why do you think Luke has Jesus standing on level ground as He shares the Beatitudes or Blessings with the crowd?
4. Where have you encountered the resurrected Jesus in your life?
5. What do you feel as you contemplate Kathy's photo?
(Scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara)
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