Saturday, March 8, 2025



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Solitude   Fasting
Resist   Evil   Temptations
Cling To His Word
(Photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Psalm 91:14

Because he clings to me, I will deliver him.


What happens during the season of Lent? What words describe it for you?

We think of solitude. It is a time to look within and to see how our relationship with God and our sisters and brothers is going. 

The solitude helps us to withdraw from the distractions of the world around us. Can I actually put down my cellphone? Can I refrain from checking all those "really important" emails? Can I turn off the tv and the radio? 

Am I afraid to be by myself for a while?

Am I afraid to spend some time with God?

Do I worry about what God will say to me?

Lent is a time for fasting.

Fasting can be very hard for us. Things that we do not even think about can start to come to mind when I am fasting from them. That ice cream or candy that I have decided to give up for Lent seems to come up more now that I can't have it!

Fasting can help me to resist those things that I should enjoy in moderation. When I am cutting back from some things, I can use the money I am saving to help others who are in need. As I fast, I can picture a family in need sitting down and enjoying a good meal together. We are all one!

My fasting can lead me to overcome the evil in our society. When people are putting another person down and saying negative things about her or him, I can fast from the evil of disparaging another person. That fasting can send a message that can lessen the divisions and hatreds in our society. That fasting can lead to peace!

There are temptations that we face as we fast. We can think that our fasting will not make a difference. We can say, "There is so much evil in the world that one person trying to overcome it will never make a difference. The problems are just too large and intractable." 

Yet we have seen over and over again in history how one person standing for truth against evil has made such a big difference. I think of all those who have been inspired by the brave witness of St. Oscar Romero to work for change and to bring peace and justice to those on the margins of society.

We overcome that temptation and the many others we are sure to encounter as we fast for justice by clinging to the Word of God. We turn to the Word for strength and encouragement. We learn as we ponder the Word that Jesus faced opposition and discouragement and suffering and persevered through it all because He was clinging to the Father and the Holy Spirit. 

Jesus led us to deliverance by clinging to the Father and the Holy Spirit. He triumphed over evil by showing us that Love is the strongest power in our world. 

Setbacks will come and the temptation to get discouraged will always present itself. As we cling to the Word this Lent, Jesus promises us that He will show us the way. Our clinging always leads us to His Clinging.

That embrace is always with us and gives us strength. Lent is our invitation to rest in that embrace.


1. How does solitude help to deepen your encounter with Jesus?

2. Is it difficult for you to enter into solitude?

3. What is your experience of fasting?

4. How do you try to overcome the temptation of discouragement in the face of so much evil?

5. Do you try to cling to God's Word?

6. From what do you think our world has to be delivered?

7. What does Kathy's picture call you to do?
(Scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara)


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  The Spiritual Waiting Room Lent Solitude   Fasting Resist   Evil   Temptations Cling To His Word Deliverance (Photo and poem by Kathy McNa...