Thursday, September 17, 2020


 The Spiritual Waiting Room


Outstretched Clasped

Guiding Healing Lifting

Open wide your hand


(photograph and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:    Psalm 104:24 to 31

Your works are so varied, O Lord!

You have created them in wisdom.

Those that live in the sea look to you to nourish them.

You give them food and they gather it up.

You open wide your hand and they are satisfied.

You breathe upon them and they come to life.

You renew the entire earth.

The glory of the Lord will never end!

The Lord feels joy in all these works.

(scripture adapted by John J. McNamara)


What an amazing thought: the hand of God is open wide for us! 

I feel so good when I meet someone and they open their hand to me. Of course in the time of our current pandemic, we are reluctant to open our hand to anyone. We are afraid of infection so we keep our distance. The handshake has been replaced by the elbow touch.

It makes us feel sad that we have to follow these precautions. We yearn for a return to the days when we could shake someone's hand and not worry. That handshake reminds me of friendliness, caring, and love. 

I think of the times when I met someone for the first time and we shook hands and we felt a connection. As I reflect on this Psalm it is reassuring to realize that God's hand is stretched out for me.

I feel loved and cared for. God provides for me and wants to nourish me with the Word and with the Bread of Life. God wants to breathe life into us. It is this life that comes from the hand of God open wide that renews all of us. 

As a grandfather I think of the many times the hand of one of our grandchildren reached out to me in trust, looking for guidance and direction. That trust brings with it a big responsibility. I try to follow the care of God----with my hand open to our grandchildren as God's hand is open wide to me.

1. How do you feel when you hear that the hand of God is open wide for you?

2. Are there some situations when you find it difficult to be open?

3. Do you find it a challenge to place your trust in God?

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