Tuesday, September 8, 2020


 The Spiritual Waiting Room

Attentive Focused
Hearing Heeding Immersing
Be still and know
(photograph and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:     Proverbs 8:32 to 35
Listen to me, children: those who follow my ways are happy. Listen to teaching and you will grow in wisdom. Do not cast it aside. Those who listen to me are full of joy, they wait for me every day at my gates, they are on guard at my door. When they find me, they will find life and win favor from God.
(scripture adapted by John J. McNamara)


What a joy when we find someone who really listens to us! So many times when we are in a conversation with some one, we can get the feeling that she or he is talking past us. The person is interested in what she or he is saying but not in what you have to share.

Being a good listener involves becoming empty of your own thoughts and desires for a few moments and allowing someone else to fill that void with her or his concerns and ideas.

How can we listen to God?

In prayer we empty ourselves of the many burdens and worries that can dominate our thoughts and become still. We take time to hear the Voice of God. It comes to us in many ways.

Sometimes it is in the unexpected. I encountered someone walking by our home and he mentioned how much he appreciated a sign we have on our front lawn that says,
 "Hate Has No Home Here". 

As I listened to him, I felt his  sincerity.  As he spoke, I heard the love and kindness of God through his words. 

When we empty ourselves and listen to God, we become full of joy---a joy I felt that day. We want to be with God more and more so we can grow in wisdom. We come to God daily in prayer because God wants to fill us with Life. 

When someone truly listens to us, we feel good. Dealing with our problems seems a little easier because we are not alone.

When we feel that God is listening to us, we know we will never be alone. 

1. Reflect on an experience with someone when you really felt that person was truly listening to you. How did you feel?

2. Can you remember an experience in your life when  listening to God brought you joy?

3. Can you think of a time when listening to someone  helped you grow in wisdom?

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  The Spiritual Waiting Room Lent Solitude   Fasting Resist   Evil   Temptations Cling To His Word Deliverance (Photo and poem by Kathy McNa...