Friday, October 9, 2020


 The Spiritual Waiting Room

Truthful Genuine
Believing Embracing Accepting
Balance Truth and Grace
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture: Genesis 1:27

"So God created human beings in the very image of God. God created them male and female."
(scripture adapted by John J. McNamara)


The search for authenticity is something that we hear about frequently. "I am searching for my authentic self," is the refrain of those who are looking for a deeper truth. There is an ache in us for wholeness---a wholeness based on truth.

We are all upset with dishonesty. We feel disappointed when we find that a friend has told us a lie. The trust we once placed in that friend is shaken. We wonder why this friend would see the need to lie to us.

On the other hand a friend who challenges us to be better, who confronts us about a character weakness, who points out a mistake we made----such a friend is treasured because she has helped us to become more genuine.

I remember a time when I had a conversation with my brother, Brian, and I was complaining about a classmate who was always bragging about his accomplishments. Brian calmly pointed out that sometimes the faults we see in others are those very faults that lie within.

I was reminded of that encounter recently when I was listening to a homily by Pope Francis. He pointed out that when we are pointing out the errors in the world, it is best that we first look within ourselves.

That self reflection can lead us to become more believing. It can lead us to the revelation that we are made in the image and likeness of God. We can begin to realize that God Loves us and Believes in us. God has blessed us with many talents and gifts. We are close to God. 

When we feel that embrace of God, that realization of God's intimacy with us and care for us, we can accept that our authentic self lies in our relationship with God. That image of God that dwells deeply within us is God's Gift to us, a Gift of Grace.

That rock in Kathy's photo was a gift from the sea for us as we walked along the water's edge. We were struck by the beauty of the rock and the power of the water washing over it. It reflected the creative power of God. Its authenticity shone in the sunlight.

We are all invited to shine in the image of God. We were created that way with an amazing Love that leads us gently to our authentic selves.

1. How do you feel when you hear that you are created in the image of God?

2. Do you agree with the insight of Pope Francis about confronting the errors in the world?

3. How have you found your authentic self?

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