Friday, October 2, 2020


The Spiritual Waiting Room

Sacramental Faithful
Believing Persevering Atoning
Sola Gratia By Grace Alone

(photo taken by Kathy McNamara at St. Canice Cathedral in Kilkenny Ireland; poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture: Numbers 21: 4 to 9

The people were upset with God and Moses because of their long journey. "We do not want to die here in the desert. We have no water. We hate this food." The Lord sent saraph serpents among the people and many people died. The people realized what they did and came to Moses and said "We have sinned in complaining against the Lord and you. Please ask the Lord to take the serpents away from us." Moses prayed for the people and the Lord responded and said, "Moses, make a saraph and mount it on a pole, and when the people look at it, they will live. " When the people looked at the serpent, they were healed.
(scripture adapted by John J. McNamara)


Signs are so important in our lives. I can remember getting lost and then rejoicing when I found a sign that indicated a town that I was looking for. The sign pointed me in the right direction.

Certain very colorful or very clever signs grab our attention. The "I Love NY" sign always cheered me up. Also the signs above the theaters advertising a Broadway show that I was excited to see. I saw the sign and began to anticipate an evening of great entertainment.

The sign in our scripture story is an unusual one---a saraph serpent mounted on a pole. The people were hungry, tired, and feeling isolated in the desert. They had enough of this journey that Moses was leading. 

Their concern was understandable. They were losing trust in Moses and in the Lord. They had seen extraordinary signs in Egypt. Plagues. The parting of waters. They were freed from bondage.

But that was yesterday. Memories are short. We easily forget what God has done for us. We get distracted. We grown restless. 
We demand more signs.

The sign that the Lord sends reminds us of the sign of our salvation, Jesus lifted up on the cross to redeem us. Jesus did not give up. Instead He gave.

He offers us GRACE. He has become our sign----the SIGN of total Love for each one of us. This sign reassures us and directs us. It leads us home to the Loving Embrace of our God.

1. When you look at the picture of Jesus from St. Canice Cathedral, what sign do you see?

2. Are you always looking for signs from God?

3. Are there any signs that you have found especially meaningful and helpful in your life?


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