Friday, November 27, 2020



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Wind-swept     Unbounded
Prophesying     Fulfilling     Bestowing
Let the Sea Resound
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:    Isaiah 42: 9 to 12

Look, the former things have come to pass, new ones will now begin; before they even come on the scene, I will make them known to you.

Let us sing to the Lord a brand new song, proclaim his fame from the ends of the earth; let the sea and all that is in it resound, the coastlands and all those who live there.

 Let the deserted areas and also the cities shout out, the towns where Kedar lives; let those who live in Sela rejoice, and cry from the mountain heights. Let them give praise to the Lord, and shout his glory in the coastlands.
(scripture adapted by John J. McNamara)  


Our reading from Isaiah speaks about the new things that will come. As a prophet he wants to prepare the people for this brand new song.

His vision is expansive----it includes those who live on the margins as well as those who live in heavily populated areas. It is a vision that breaks down all barriers.

The most impressive aspect of this prophesy is that it leaves no one out. It rings out from the mountains to the sea. 

So many times today we see people divided into groups. We hear of the liberal versus the conservative; the progressive against the traditional; the young battling the old.

We wonder about how these groups can be brought together. The message of the prophet tries to heal those wounds of division. 

It is a message of unity. The Lord wants to give us a song to lift us up---a song that resounds along the coastlands.

Kathy's picture reflects that song and that message. As we walk along the shore, we can feel the power of the wind and get refreshed.

As we look up at the clouds, we can see a glimpse of the light. God is assuring us that the Divine Presence is always with us.

That Presence is a song that sings within. It rings out along the coastlands. 

It is a gift that unites all of us. 

1. What is the new song that the Lord has been singing to you?

2. How can we overcome the division in our society today?

3. As you walk along the coastlands, what are some feelings that speak to you? 


Friday, November 20, 2020


 The Spiritual Waiting Room

Ritual     Banquet
Feasting     Celebrating     Nourishing
A Place of Blessing
( poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture: Proverbs 9: 1 to 6

Wisdom has built her home, she has built her seven pillars; she has cooked her meat, mixed her wine, and has readied her table. She has sent out all her helpers; she gives out her invitation. Wisdom is always with us and cries out from the highest points in the city: "Let those who lack knowledge come here; to any who are ignorant I say, Come and eat my food and drink of the wine I have prepared! Give up foolishness that you may thrive; grow in the way of knowledge."
(scripture adapted by John J. McNamara)


The picture for this blog was taken at our party in Ireland after Kathy and I had renewed our wedding vows for our 50th Wedding Anniversary. We were surprised and thrilled that so many of our family were able to come and celebrate with us.

As we gathered around the table, we shared many memories of those 50 years and how our love grew as our family grew. We remembered the experiences that helped us to grow closer together and to gain a deeper knowledge of one another.

As part of that meal our granddaughter, Emily, put a slide show together. We remembered so many great times and so many wonderful people, some living and some no longer with us, who helped us become the people we are today.

Our reading mentions that wisdom gets a table ready with delicious meat and fine wine just like the table and the meal we experienced that day. Wisdom is so nourishing.

It is similar to sharing in a good meal like the meal we shared that day. We take our time. We savor it. We enjoy some great conversation as we eat.

One of the observations that Kathy and I made later on that day  after our anniversary banquet was that we were surprised how long everyone lingered after the meal. It seemed like no one wanted it to end. The conversation continued long after the meal was finished.

A banquet experience where we encounter true wisdom is a real place of Blessing. We are invited to come also to the Altar and share in the Eucharistic Banquet. Jesus blesses us with the Bread of Life---He shares His very self with us. He is the Wisdom of God. 

As we gather around our Thanksgiving tables this year, it will be very different because of the COVID restrictions. Through all of these changes, however, we know that the God who is Wisdom will be there with us to help us to thrive.

God invites us to banquet with Wisdom.


1. What are some special meals that you remember?

2. Is there someone you turn to for wisdom?

3. What does the celebration of Thanksgiving mean to you?

Friday, November 13, 2020


 The Spiritual Waiting Room

Divine      Inspirational
Expressing   Gesturing   Communicating
No Speech   No Word
(picture and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Psalm 19: 2 to 4

The heavens announce the glory of God, whose creativity the firmament declares. Day after day we can see the message, and night after night we grow in knowledge. No speech, no word, for the voice is so clear; their sound is evident through all the earth, their message goes out to every part of the world.
(scripture adapted by John J. McNamara)


Kathy's photo captures a moment of reflection. I was amazed at the beauty as I looked out from the shore. 

The day was mysterious---a mix of sun and clouds. The light moved in and out on the water. It drew me in.

The psalmist speaks of the glory of God. That glory comes to us in so many ways.

Sometimes it is a subtle glory. It sneaks up on us when we are not expecting it.

We can be walking down the street and then we see a little child in a stroller. The child looks up at us and gives us a big smile. We see a look of joy and suddenly our heart is full.

That glory can also come to us in moments of awe. We look out at the water and we see those rays of light dancing on the surface. We feel like dancing ourselves!

We get the message. No words are spoken. No majestic voice comes out of the clouds. Yet the message is clear.

The message tells us that we are loved. We will be taken care of. We need not be afraid.

Our God has Blessed us with Beauty----this Beauty transforms us and makes us whole. It is a message for all. We can not keep it to ourselves but we feel called to share it with each person we meet.

We share it without words. We share it by our actions and by our caring as our God shares it with us.

We share it in Love.

1. What do the heavens announce to you?

2. How does the glory of God come to you?

3. What is God's message for you today?

Friday, November 6, 2020


The Spiritual Waiting Room

Earthly Resident
Traveling Passing Journeying
Dwelling for a Time
Glory bound 
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture: Genesis 26: 2 to 4
The Lord came to Isaac and told him not to go down to Egypt. I will tell you which land to establish your camp. Sojourn in this land. I will stay with you and bless you and also your descendants. I will give you these lands in order to fulfill the promise I made with your father Abraham. Your descendants will be as numerous as the stars in the sky.
(scripture adapted by John J. McNamara)


Isaac was told to sojourn in a special land. He was thinking about going down to Egypt. Like many people he had heard stories about how this land was good for farming and had many riches. 

God had other plans. God wanted Isaac to be in a special place and to lay down his roots. 

This had to be a conflict for him. To whom should he listen? 

Isaac followed God's plan. He sojourned in Canaan where God wanted him to flourish and where his family grew and prospered.

We all take many journeys. Everyone likes to travel and explore new places and meet new people.

With all the restrictions that have been in place due to COVID-19, it has been much harder for people to travel as much as they used to. Kathy and I have been exploring a lot of the sights right here on Long Island. It is amazing how many beautiful beaches and parks we have.

Recently we were heading for the beach but took a detour to a park. It was a sunny day and as we walked Kathy spotted the path in the woods with the sun streaming through in the photo above.

It is amazing on our sojourns what we can find if we are open to following God's direction and not our own. Our God is a God of delightful surprises. We were certainly surprised that day!

In those surprises we can find God waiting for us at each step on our journey and leading us to blessing and glory just as God led Isaac to a special land.

As with Kathy's photo, we can see our path and take our sojourn to glory!

1. Have you ever felt that God was asking you to change your plan like God asked Issac to change his?

2. Have you ever made surprising discoveries as you travelled?

3. Where does God want you to sojourn?



  The Spiritual Waiting Room Lent Solitude   Fasting Resist   Evil   Temptations Cling To His Word Deliverance (Photo and poem by Kathy McNa...