The Spiritual Waiting Room
Humble Selfless
Imitating Cleansing Anointing
Wash One Another's Feet
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)
Scripture: John 13: 12 to 15
So when Jesus had finished washing the feet of the disciples, He put His garments back on and reclined at table again. He said to them, "Do you realize what I have done for you? You call me 'teacher' and 'master,' and rightly so, for indeed I am. If I, therefore, the master and teacher, have washed your feet, you ought to wash one another's feet. I have given you a model to follow, so that as I have done for you, you should also do."
(scripture adapted by John J. McNamara)
Such an amazing scene! Jesus taking the role of a servant!
Our initial reaction is that something is wrong with this picture. Jesus shouldn't being doing this.
We can understand the reaction of Peter when Jesus comes to wash his feet. He can't understand why Jesus is doing something that a slave would do.
On top of that Jesus is doing this just before He is going to be arrested, scourged, and crucified.
Jesus knows exactly how we humans can try to look for power and control. He will be leaving the apostles soon.
He knows that there will be many challenges for the apostles to face. He shows them what is most important: to serve others.
As we minister in the Church, it is so important to always keep this in mind. It is never about us and our role.
Jesus shows us the way: put others first and never hesitate to do the smallest task.
Kathy's picture is from a day at the beach. Cleanup time!
1. What would you say to Jesus if He came to wash your feet today?
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