Saturday, April 3, 2021


The Spiritual Waiting Room 

Morning     Star
Reflecting     Revealing     Transforming
Then Thou Shall See
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)


Help us to obtain a true knowledge of salvation , O Radiant Light, as we pray with faith. Help us to cast aside our darkness and to find our true freedom with You!
(Prayer adapted by John J. McNamara)


There is so much that is false and deceptive that can surround us. We hear much talk of "fake" news, crazy claims, fraud, rumors not based in fact, and groundless conspiracy theories.

We can certainly ask ourselves "What is true knowledge?"

We turn for that truth to Jesus who is our Radiant Light. We know that Jesus will not lead us astray.

He has come to help and to heal. When we follow the teachings of Jesus and try to be compassionate and caring, we are on the path of true knowledge of salvation. 

Jesus came to save us from the darkness that can consume us and confuse us. Salvation is the gift that Jesus invites us to accept. He does not force this gift on us.

Jesus shows us by His life that when we respond to His gift of salvation, we will be transformed by the power of His Love and we will reach out to others----especially those who are forgotten, discouraged, and alone.

When we walk in that Light and accept that Gift, we truly are free. We have laid our burdens down and cast our fears and doubts aside. 

It is a freedom we find with God. We realize in our prayer that we are not alone. God is walking with us.

Kathy's photo came to her as she was walking with God at the Nature Center. The light was a powerful sign of the Light that guides us all the time.

Rejoice in that Radiant Light!

1. How do you deal with all the deceptions that surround us?

2. How have you found "true knowledge" in your life?

3. What does the gift of salvation mean to you personally?

4. What does it mean for you to be truly "free"?

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  The Spiritual Waiting Room Lent Solitude   Fasting Resist   Evil   Temptations Cling To His Word Deliverance (Photo and poem by Kathy McNa...