Friday, April 23, 2021

First Formed

 The Spiritual Waiting Room

First Formed
Created     Righteous
Raising     Empowering     Saving
Piloting On Frailest Wood
(picture and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture: Wisdom 10: 1 to 4

Wisdom preserved the first-formed father of the world when he alone had been created; and she raised him up when he was down after the fall and gave him power to take care of all creation. But when an unjust man turned away from her in his anger, he was destroyed by fratricidal anger. When on his account the earth was flooded, Wisdom again preserved it, piloting the just man on frailest wood. 
(scripture adapted by John J. McNamara)


Wisdom is truly amazing!

This reading describes the important role that Wisdom has in Bible history. It starts in the very beginning with the story of Adam.

Adam was at a low point after the Fall. He had lost his way. He had given into the temptation to ignore the Wisdom of God. 

Just like the temptations we all face. We think that we can go it on our own. Why do we need God? Our wisdom is much better than the Wisdom of God.

Wisdom, of course, has the final word. She picks Adam up after his Fall and helps him recover. 

This is such a beautiful story in the Bible. We tend to concentrate on the sin of Adam and we miss the healing power and kindness of Wisdom.

The role of Wisdom is always to pick us up, heal us, and point us in a positive and more loving direction.

Wisdom does the same with Cain after he kills his brother and also helps Noah and his family survive the Flood.

These beautiful stories show us what the true role of Wisdom is: our "frailest wood" gets support and help from Wisdom. We are raised up and brought to new life.

Wisdom does not abandon us when we mess up. Wisdom does not forget us and we forget her. Wisdom does not neglect us when we turn away from her.

Enjoy the warmth of Wisdom!

1. Why do we ignore the Wisdom of God?

2. Why is it easy for us to miss the healing power of Wisdom in the Bible?

3. What is the role of Wisdom in your life?

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  The Spiritual Waiting Room Lent Solitude   Fasting Resist   Evil   Temptations Cling To His Word Deliverance (Photo and poem by Kathy McNa...