Friday, April 23, 2021



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Salvation     Mystery
Comprehending     Enlightening     Gracing
A Love Beyond Understanding
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Ephesians  3: 8 to 12

To me, the very least of all the holy ones, this grace was bestowed, to share with the Gentiles the amazing riches of Christ, and to let everyone know what the mystery of God's plan that was secret in past ages even though God created all things. Now the powerful wisdom of God can now be made known by the church to the principalities and authorities in the heavens. This was according to the everlasting purpose that God accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord, in whom we have boldness of speech and firmness of access through faith in him.
(scripture adapted by John J. McNamara)a


St. Paul is sharing how God has shared the grace that enables him to reach out to the Gentiles, those who were not of the Jewish faith. He is going to reveal a mystery to them---it was secret in past times. 

Imagine how Paul felt. What a privilege to be able to share God's plan with those who are seeking to know God better and to live a life in harmony with what God wants.

Isn't that our situation today? God has made known His Plan---He has told us this "powerful wisdom". 

It is a plan and a wisdom that we see in creation. We admire it in the beauty that we see all around us. We encounter God each day as we are amazed at how intricate God's gift of creation is.

In addition to that revelation St. Paul tells us that we have also received that plan and that wisdom through Jesus who came to fulfill the Law and the Prophets and to show us how deeply and completely our God loves us.

St. Paul tells us how this knowledge gives us a boldness of speech. We know that we are loved and we can share that with deep conviction. 

It fills us, as it filled St. Paul, with a deep joy and a sense of gratitude. It sustained St. Paul through all of his trials and hardships. It helped him not to waver in the face of opposition, stoning, and imprisonment.

That deep joy gives us the access to faith that we can celebrate each day and spread to others. It reminds us of the Love of God for us---a Love that is beyond our limited human understanding.

Our photo was taken during a walk on the beach. The Light through the rock reminded us of the power of God's Love for each one of us. That knowledge fills us with Peace!

1. How do you feel when you share God's plan of salvation with other people?

2. How do you personally encounter God in creation?

3.What does Jesus show you about God's plan for salvation? 

4.What is the source of your joy? 

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  The Spiritual Waiting Room Lent Solitude   Fasting Resist   Evil   Temptations Cling To His Word Deliverance (Photo and poem by Kathy McNa...