Friday, June 11, 2021



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Word     Seed
Rooting     Growing     Producing
The Kingdom Of God
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Mark 4: 26 to 34

Jesus was speaking to the people: "The kingdom of God is like a man who spreads seed on the land. He would sleep and get up at night and during the day and see that the seed would ripen and grow. He could not explain how it happened. The land produces fruit: first we see the blade, then the ear, and finally the full grain in the ear. When the grain is ripe and ready, he gets the sickle right away: it is time for the harvest.

Jesus continued, "What is a good comparison for the kingdom of God? What is a good parable to explain it? It is very much like a mustard seed. When it is sown in the ground, it is one of the tiniest seeds on the earth. After it is sown, it grows quickly and becomes one of the largest plants and develops big branches. The birds of the sky can gather in its shade."

Jesus spoke to them with many such parables to the degree they were able to comprehend His word. He always used parables when speaking with the people, but He would explain all these matters to His disciples privately.
(scripture adapted by John J. McNamara)


Jesus is trying to explain a difficult concept to the people: the kingdom of God. He has come to proclaim this special kingdom but it is not an easy task.

The concept that many people at the time of Jesus had was more focused on a political reality. They were hoping to overthrow Roman rule and establish once again their own state with their own king. The expected Messiah would lead them in this effort.

Jesus is trying to lead the people in another direction. Teaching with parables was the way Jesus chose to do this. A parable tries to explain a moral or spiritual concept by illustrating it through a story. 

Our reading from The Gospel of Mark offers two parables to expand knowledge about the kingdom.

The first parable talks about the relationship between our effort and the growth of the crop. We have to work hard in sowing the seed and at the time of the harvest. In between the seed, the soil, water, and sun do all the work. We simply check on the progress of the crop.

How is this like the kingdom of God? Initially we respond to God's invitation to be part of the kingdom. 

After we say "Yes" to God, God leads us in our growth. God shows us the path. God nourishes us. God brings us to the harvest.

We cooperate. God leads.

The second parable has to do with how we judge things. In the eyes of the world small things, like the mustard seed, seem insignificant and unimportant.

It is those very tiny things, however, that can make a big difference in the kingdom of God. Our small acts of love and kindness can have huge consequences. 

This brings to mind the life and example of Therese of Lisieux. Her theme was always to do every small act for, with, and in God. Her Mustard Seed grew tremendously around the world as she became one of the most popular saints after her death at an early age.

Her life resonated with so many because most of us will never be famous for amazing events and accomplishments but we can all do our everyday tasks with dedication and care just as Therese did. 

The kingdom of God can grow within us. Jesus teaches us in these parables that we should first say "Yes" to God and them follow God's lead. That path might seem small and insignificant like the mustard seed but God can bring about the most amazing results.

It is God's Kingdom!

1. Do you enjoy the parables of Jesus?

2. How difficult was it for Jesus to change the minds of the people about the kingdom of God?

3. Is it hard for you to say "Yes" to God?

4. Have seemingly small and insignificant things and events in your life ever had huge consequences for you?

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