Friday, June 18, 2021



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Darkening     Damaging
Rebuking     Ceasing     Calming
Live By Fear/Faith
(picture and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Mark 4: 35 to 41

On that day, as the sun was setting, Jesus said to His disciples: "Let us go over to the other side of the sea." 

Going away from the crowd, they went with Jesus in the boat just as He was. There were other boats with them.

A powerful squall arose and suddenly there were big waves rising over the side of the boat so that it was filled quickly with water.

Jesus was sleeping in the stern of the boat on a cushion. The disciples woke him up and said, "Teacher, are you not worried that we will sink?"

Jesus woke up and calmed the wind and then said to the sea, "Quiet! Be still!"

The wind died down and suddenly there was a great calm.

Then Jesus spoke to the disciples and said, "Why are you so upset? Where is your faith?"

They were amazed and said to one another,        "Who is this that even the wind and sea are under His control?"


In this reading from Mark Jesus and the disciples are probably eager to get away from the crowd. It has been a long day. The sun is setting. 

I can sense that everyone is ready for some rest. As wonderful as the ministry is and as great as it is to be with the people, they all need some space to recharge.

It must have been a great feeling to get into the boat, to be with one another, and to be able to finally relax. We all know that feeling---coming home after a long day at work or at school or visiting with friends and family and finally able to take it easy!

That peace and quiet does not last long! A sudden and rather violent storm pops up (these were well known on the Sea of Galilee). This one must have been particularly rough since the disciples were experienced with these types of storms and they still got upset. 

No problem for Jesus! He takes care of it quickly. He seems, however, to be very disappointed with the disciples. He feels that their issue is a lack of faith. 

At first that surprises us. If we were in the boat at the time, most of us would have thought of Jesus as our first option. 

After all we would have witnessed many of the miracles that Jesus did and would have had a sense that He possessed some pretty extraordinary powers.

Jesus seems to be saying that if you truly believe in me, there is no need to wake me. I will be with you no matter what.


you have to have faith in me!

1. How do you set aside time when you need to "get away from it all"?

2. Were you surprised at how Jesus challenged the disciples after He had calmed the storm?

3. What are the best ways that you have found to handle the squalls in your life?

(Scripture adapted, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara)  

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