Friday, July 2, 2021


The Spiritual Waiting Room

Native     Identity
Rejecting     Doubting     Unbelieving
Among His Own Kin
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Mark 6: 1 to 6

Jesus and His disciples came to His native place. On the sabbath He started teaching in the synagogue and many were astonished who were there.

They wondered, "Where did He get all this knowledge? How does He do such amazing deeds? He is just a carpenter, the son of Mary, and the brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon. His sisters are here with us."

They were upset with Him. 

Jesus said to them, "A prophet is honored in many places but not in His own house and among his own family."

Jesus was not able to do any great miracles there but He did cure a few sick people when He laid hands on them.

He was amazed that they had such little faith.


In this section of the Gospel of Mark Jesus comes back home. He returns to Nazareth but now He is not alone---some of his new disciples are with Him.

On the sabbath naturally they all go to the synagogue to pray with everyone. As part of the service Jesus is invited to share a teaching.

His wisdom, insight, and knowledge overwhelmed those who were gathered in that synagogue at Nazareth. They could not believe that this was Jesus.

After all they had seen Jesus grow up. He had become a carpenter like His father, Joseph. How could a simple carpenter explain the scriptures with such depth?

We can understand this sentiment. When someone is familiar to us, we naturally think we have figured that person out.  

This leads to the people being upset with Jesus. They wonder why He is showing off like this. They cannot accept Him as a Teacher, a Rabbi.

So many times we are quick to judge people. It is hard to truly listen to others.

Because they were so quick to put Jesus down, He could not perform any great miracles there. We are amazed that Mark puts it the way he does because Jesus still does several cures! Not too shabby!

We might ask how anyone could limit the ability of Jesus to perform great miracles. After all Jesus is divine and He certainly could have done great miracles.

The insight here is the importance of human freedom----the importance of our faith. Jesus respects our freedom of choice. He will not perform a great miracle if we are lacking in faith; and if we have faith in Him, great miracles will follow.

Jesus shows His wisdom in the way he reacts to their rejection. He realizes that prophets will not be honored by those who are too close to him. He understand this.

It still upsets Him as it would anyone. Yet He knows where they are coming from. 

He doesn't dwell on it. He moves on. 

He is the sower. The seed is there in Nazareth. It is in us. In time it will bear much fruit! 

1. Have you ever been surprised by the wisdom of someone you grew up with?

2. How do you see the relationship between faith and miracles?

3. Did Jesus fail in His mission at Nazareth?
(scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara)


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