Friday, July 9, 2021



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Scriptural      Providential
Testify     Anoint     Heal
All Missioned By Jesus
(photo by Kathy McNamara from a painting by James Tisssot, 1836-1902, from the Brooklyn Museum; poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Mark 6: 7 to 13

Jesus called the Twelve together and started to send them out two by two.
Jesus gave them power over unclean spirits.
He told them to take nothing as they went---only a walking stick.
They would take no food, no sack, no money in their belts.

They could wear their sandals but only a single tunic.

jesus told them, "When you go into a house, stay there until you leave. If there are places that do not welcome you or listen to you, depart from there and shake the dust from your feet as a witness against them."

The Twelve went off and urged everyone to repent.

They drove out many demons, and they anointed with oil those who were in need of healing and cured them.


In this passage from Mark Jesus is giving Instructions for the Twelve. They have been with Him for a while. Now is their time to put what they have learned from Jesus into action!

The first thing we notice is that Jesus does not send out the Twelve individually. They always go out with a companion.

This shows us the importance of community---we are not in this mission alone. It is important to work with others.

As part of His Instruction, Jesus gives power to the Twelve. The specific power that the authors of Mark mention is the power over "unclean spirits". 

This is a tremendous power since the unclean spirits can cause a lot of harm. This power was meant to help the people to overcome evil and to live better lives.

Jesus then tells the Twelve to take nothing on their missionary trips. This is an amazing requirement.

When we look at it today, it seems very challenging. Taking nothing with us as we try to spread the Gospel might initially seem very hard.

As we reflect further, we can see the wisdom in this. If we take too much on our journey, it can become a distraction for us. It can also lead to people being reluctant to join the mission without having a certain amount of food or money.

Jesus is really saying that God will lead us on our journey and provide what we need. Sometimes we can hesitate on our mission because we think we need more of something.

Jesus tells us that we really need very little. He tells us that we can take our "walking stick". Why a "walking stick"?

The "walking stick" gives us balance. It helps us to avoid stumbles. 

This helps the Twelve to stay focused on their mission. It also is a good example for us today.

We don't need a lot for our mission. We are called to proclaim the Good News of Jesus as a consequence of our Baptism. 

Jesus gives us the Instructions. He tells us to keep our focus on the need to repent----to turn away from our selfishness and indifference; and on the need to heal and cure---to help people who are sick and who are in need.

The Instructions that Jesus gave are our Instructions for today. The Good News is that Jesus is with us and will assist us in every step of our journey as we join daily in the amazing mission of Jesus. 

Now is our time! We are the Messengers!

1. What are the "unclean spirits" that we have to overcome today as we share the Good News of Jesus?

2. Why does Jesus instruct us to take nothing on our missionary journey?

3.  What is the "walking stick" that you take on your journey?

4. How is Jesus with you on your missionary journey?

(scripture adapted and reflection and questions by John J. McNamara)

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