Friday, July 16, 2021



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Helpless     Sacrificial
Rescuing     Guiding     Gathering
Sheep Without A Shepherd
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Mark 6: 30 to 34

The apostles came back to Jesus and told Him all that they had done and shared.

Jesus said to them, "Come with me to a quiet place and you can rest now."

There were large crowds that were coming and they were all so busy that they had no time even to eat!

They took off from there in a boat and went to a deserted place.

However, many people saw them leaving and they spread the word to others. They realized where Jesus and the apostles were going and they walked on foot and arrived there ahead of them.

When Jesus got out of the boat and saw the big crowd, His heart was moved with pity for the people.

He thought that they were like sheep without a shepherd.

Jesus began to teach them about the Kingdom of God!


In our passage from Mark we have a good sense of the mission of the apostles. They have worked hard in teaching the people about the message of Jesus.

Jesus must have been so proud of them. He had spent a lot of time with them. He had gotten to know them better. He taught them the meaning of the scriptures. Now they were ready to go out on their own.

What an exciting time!

I can remember my first experiences in teaching. The classes were entrusted to me---quite the responsibility. A wonderful opportunity!

There is a feeling of apprehension ("Can I really do this") mixed in with joy ("I am finally getting to do this after all my preparation").

When you have an opportunity to share the results of your teaching and witness, you bubble over with stories and insights. It is a time of celebration and also gratitude to God who leads you every step of the way on your journey of sharing the knowledge that comes from Him.

Jesus is so wise in this passage. He looks into the eyes and hearts of the apostles and realizes that they have given their all and that they are exhausted. They need some time of rest.

The people, though, have their own needs. They are eager for more teaching from Jesus and the apostles. They literally can not get enough!

I can just imagine the surprise and shock on the face of Jesus when He saw the huge crowd in what He thought would be a deserted place! 

As He looks out at them, Jesus sees and feels their hunger. He puts aside His need for quiet and the need of the apostles for rest and ministers to the people as their Shepherd, the Lamb of God.

His sense of sacrifice to minister to others inspires us to put others first and to reach out to them in whatever way we can. 

Kathy's picture comes from a Prayer Service at the Vatican Gardens that points us toward St. Peter's Basilica. It reminds us of the many shepherds through the years who have tried to guide us towards Jesus.

A Good Shepherd is always mindful of His flock and tries to help them and heal them. Jesus shows us the way!

Feed your flock!

1. How do you feel when you share the Good News of Jesus with others?

2. What can we do to balance out the need for our rest and renewal with the needs of those to whom we minister?

3. Who are the shepherds who have led you and nurtured you in your faith journey?

(scripture adapted, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara)   

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