Friday, July 30, 2021



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Heavenly     Incarnational
Offering     Endowing     Enduring
Not By Bread Alone
(picture and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   John 6: 24 to 35

The people went to Capernaum in their boats looking for Jesus when they noticed that neither Jesus nor His disciples were around. As soon as they saw Jesus, they said "Rabbi, when did you come here?"

Jesus said, "You are looking for me not because you saw signs but because you ate of the loaves and enjoyed them. You should not work for food that will not last but for the food that will always be there.

I will give you that food. For God has set His seal on me."

They asked Jesus, "What can we do to perform the works of God?"

Jesus told them, "The work of God is to believe in the One God sent."

They responded and said, "What sign can you give us that we might believe in you? Those who came before us ate manna in the desert. 

The scripture says He gave them bread from heaven to eat.

Jesus told them, "Amen, Amen, I tell you, Moses did not give your ancestors the bread from heaven. My Father gives you the real bread from heaven. The bread of God comes down from heaven and gives life to the world."

They said to Jesus, "Gives us the bread always."

Jesus told them, "I am the bread of life. If you come to me, you will not hunger. If you believe in me, you will never thirst."


Jesus tells the people who came looking for Him to make Him king that God has put the seal of God on Jesus.

The seal is so important.

We speak of the seal of approval. This means that the product is good. It has been tested and found to be safe and helpful.

We seal the contents of a letter to make sure that the sentiments and information that we have expressed in that letter get to the right person.

Certain official documents must have the seal of the governing body or official on them to be accepted.

How much more important is the seal of God?

What a statement Jesus is making when He says that God has placed the seal of God on Him!

It is an amazing claim.

Is it arrogant?

Does it show pride?

Is Jesus bragging?

No. Jesus is simply sharing who He is with the crowd that has come searching for Him to make Him king.

Kings are sealed. They are anointed. The oil that is used signifies a change. They are different now---they have the power to rule over others.

The seal that Jesus has is the Ultimate Seal. There is no transcending the Seal of God.

It is amazing that this is the same seal that Jesus offers to us in our Baptism. It is the same seal that is strengthened in us at the time of our Confirmation. It is the same seal that is nourished in us as we receive the Bread of Life in the Eucharist.

Jesus does not hold back.

The seal that God gives to Him is generously shared with all who believe.

It is a seal that endures forever because the Love of God is a forever Love.

You have been sealed.


1. How do you feel when you realize that Jesus shares the seal of God with you?
(scripture adaptation, reflection, and question by John J

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