Friday, November 26, 2021



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Promise     Incarnation
Waiting     Vigilant     Fulfilling
The Son of Man
(picture and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Luke 21: 25 to 28

Jesus said to His followers: "There will be signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars, and on earth countries will be confused, upset by the pounding of the sea and the waves. People will die of fear as they ponder what will be coming upon the world, for the very powers of the heavens will be moved. And then all will see the Son of Man descending in a cloud with might and great glory. But when you see these signs come to pass, stand up and lift your heads because your redemption is at hand."


This weekend we begin the season of Advent. Most of us think of these four weeks as our time to prepare for the great feast of the Incarnation, Christmas.

When you reflect on it, however, you realize that Jesus has already come over two thousand years ago. What we are really preparing for and focusing on is the Second Coming of Jesus.

Our reading from the Gospel of Luke points us in that direction. We hear about all these upsetting signs. It sounds like chaos will reign. 

There will be powerful storms. Even the heavens will be moved.

The people are afraid. 

Then the Son of Man comes. We see the power and the glory.

We begin to realize our place in the world. It is so easy for us to think that we are the center of the universe. 

Luke gives us a different perspective. The Son of Man will take care of the chaos and confusion and share the gift of redemption with us.

Advent is our time to realize that Jesus not only loved us at the time of the first Christmas but continues to love us and wants to prepare for us a special place FOREVER!

In the midst of this very busy season, isn't it refreshing to take a brief moment and to breathe that in?

The leaves have fallen.

As we add them to our compost piles, they will become transformed and enrich our gardens.

Jesus is coming a SECOND time to enrich us and to uplift us and to transform us.

Advent is our time to realize that Jesus. who is always with us and never abandons us, will come again to bring us ever more completely into the Embrace of God.

Enjoy your Advent Embrace!

1. When you think of Advent, what comes to mind for you?

2. During Advent do you focus more on the First Christmas or the Second Coming of Jesus?

3. Do you react with fear when you think of the Second Coming of Jesus?

4. How does Jesus help you to overcome the chaos and confusion that you sometimes feel?

(scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara) 

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