Thursday, November 18, 2021



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Alpha     Omega
Revealing     Rejoicing     Restoring
Behold He Is Coming
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Revelation 1: 7 and 8

Look, He is coming amid the clouds, and all will see Him, even those who harmed Him. Everyone shall lament Him. Yes. Amen.
"I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, "the one who is now and who was before and who will come, the all powerful."

John 18: 37

Pilate said to Jesus, "Are you a king?"
Jesus replied, "You call me a king. This is why I was born and why I have come into the world, to speak the truth. All who embrace the truth listen to my message."


This Sunday we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King. It marks the end of the Liturgical Year.

Our readings for this Feast are themselves a Feast of insights on the ministry and message of Jesus. They speak about a unique Kingship.

In the Book of Revelation we are told that Jesus is coming and we will all be able to see Him. He is coming for everyone----even those who have harmed Him. He wants to reach out to all, He is for all, He embraces all.

Jesus is the Beginning (the Alpha---first letter of the Greek alphabet) of everything that is and also the End (the Omega---the last letter of the Greek alphabet) of all. These are the two letters that will be carved into the Paschal Candle that is used for our Easter Season and for the Sacrament of Baptism and at the Mass of Christian Burial. 

Our Baptism marks the Beginning of our journey with Jesus and our Mass of Christian Burial celebrates the End of our earthly pilgrimage and the New Beginning of our heavenly journey.

In our reading from the Gospel of John we have the encounter of Jesus with the Roman governor Pilate. Jesus is questioned about His Kingship. 

He does not back down from the title of King. He says that He was born for this and He came into the world for this.

For Jesus to be a King is to be a person who is a witness to the truth. He tells us that those people who embrace the truth will listen to His message.

It is a different way for us to think about a King. Usually we reflect on the power of a King, the wealth of a King, and the glamor associated with the King and the King's Court.

Jesus is talking about a King who comes for all and who shares a message that is based on the truth. Pilate seems baffled by this type of King.

This King challenges us also. He asks us to search for the truth.

We find the truth by listening to the message of Jesus. It is a message that calls us to rejoice in His coming and to restore hope to all!

1. How do you relate to the Kingship of Jesus?

2. What does it mean for you to be a witness to the truth?

3. Which truths are the most important for you?

4. What do you feel when you meditate on Kathy's photo?

(scripture adapted, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara)

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