Friday, July 22, 2022



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Transgressions     Sins
Cancelled     Redeemed     Triumphed
Nailed To The Cross
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Colossians 2:12 to 14

You were buried with Jesus when you were baptized.
In that very baptism you were also raised with Jesus through belief in the strength of God.
For God raised Jesus from the dead.

Even during the time when you were dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, Jesus gave you life with Him.

Jesus has forgiven us all our transgressions.
He has obliterated the chains that have held us down and any legal claims against us.

Anything that is opposed to us, Jesus has removed from our midst.

All of our debts have been nailed to the cross.


We all get upset when we accumulate a lot of debts. We worry about how or when we will be able to pay it all back.

It is nice to go on a shopping spree; but, when those credit card bills arrive, the panic can set in. We wonder, "Should I have bought that?"

Paul is talking about our transgressions in this reading from Colossians. We know how those can add up also!

The faults and sins we have committed in the past can way us down. We can be filled with guilt and regret. We wonder, "Why did I ever do something so dumb? How could I hurt her or his feelings? Why was I so insensitive?"

The good news is that those debts from the past have been buried in our baptism. When we were washed in those waters, our sins were taken away. The Sacrament of Reconciliation continues to free us from the burden of sin.

We participate now in the Resurrection of Jesus. We have been filled with new life.

That new life is so powerful that it obliterates any claims against us from the law. I love that image of "obliteration". I just picture all of our sins and debts being smashed to pieces and becoming unrecognizable and insignificant.

The power of God's Love and Care for us reduces our sins to nothing and "removes them from our midst". Those sins and debts are no longer a burden or a worry. They have all been nailed to the cross so that we can be free to love as our God loves us.

It is similar to the feeling we get when all those credit card bills are gone. We feel lighter and less worried.

This is what Jesus wants for us. Let the obliteration begin!

1. How do you feel when your transgressions add up?

2. What image do you get when you hear the word "obliterate"?

3. Why does Jesus want to remove our sins from our midst?

4. What is your reaction to Kathy's photo? 

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