Friday, July 29, 2022



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Possessions     Wealth
Storing     Attaching     Consuming
Seek What's From Above
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Luke 12:13-21

Someone in the crowd said to Jesus, "Teacher, speak to my brother and tell him that he has to share the inheritance with me."

Jesus said, "Friend, who made me to be your judge and arbitrator?"

Then Jesus turned to the crowd that was gathered there and told them, "Be careful about becoming greedy. Even if you are rich, your life is not about your possessions."

Jesus elaborated by sharing this parable, "There was a man whose land produced a huge harvest. He wondered where he would store it all.

He decided that he would tear down his smaller barns and build bigger ones. 

That way he could store all his goods and then he could say to himself, 'I have all these goods stored up for many years. I can rest now. I will eat, drink, and be merry!'

God said to him, 'You are so foolish! This very night your life will end and all these goods you have stored up in your bigger barn---whose will they be?'

It will be the same way for those who pile up treasure for themselves but are not rich in what is important to God."


What are the things that are most important in our lives?

This is the question that Jesus poses for us to ponder in our section from Luke.

We often think of this when we are confronted with the question about the items we would take from our homes if there was a sudden fire and we had a minute to leave.

The response in this situation is usually to take pictures of those we love along with our wallets and cell phones. Those pictures represent all those whom we love and those who have touched us deeply.

It is notable that Jesus refuses to be put in the position of being a judge between the two brothers who are arguing over an inheritance. 

Jesus is concerned about those things that are really important for us. Money can lead to greed rather easily. When will I have enough?

We think of the irony that Jesus brings out in the parable of the man who works so hard to store up all those extra goods in his bigger barn and then dies that very night. 

We can all get caught up in that so easily. We can worry about inflation and recession and all the many economic uncertainties that we face. 

All those goods can perish. 

That which comes from God---true Love---will never perish. God desires to gift us with Love each day and each moment of our lives.

When we worry about all the possessions we MUST have, we can easily miss the Love that God gives.

Kathy's photo is a picture of the wedding rings from her mother and father. It is a sign of the love that brought them together and helped them to create a wonderful family. It was a love they felt came from God.

That Love is truly imperishable!

1. What would you take from your home if there was a fire and you only had a minute to decide?

2. What is really important for you in your life?

3. Why is it so easy for us to miss the Love that God gives?

4. What do you feel when you see Kathy's photo?

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  The Spiritual Waiting Room Lent Solitude   Fasting Resist   Evil   Temptations Cling To His Word Deliverance (Photo and poem by Kathy McNa...