Friday, July 8, 2022



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Bounteous     Mercy
Revive     Rebuild     Return
Go And Do Likewise
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scriptures:   Deuteronomy 30:10

If only you heed the voice of the Lord, your God, and keep the commandments of God and all the laws that are recorded in this Book of the Torah, then you will be one with your God and return to God with all your heart and all your soul.

Psalm 69:17 and 33

Answer me, Lord, in your bounteous love. In your awesome mercy, be mindful of me.

See you lowly ones and rejoice. You are searching for God, may your spirits revive.

Luke 10:29 and 36-37

"And who is my neighbor?"

"Which of these three was truly the neighbor to this man who was the victim of the robbers?"

He answered, "The one who showed mercy towards him."

Jesus said, "Go and do likewise."


Our scriptures today are full of mercy!

In the Book of Deuteronomy we are encouraged to heed the voice of God and to keep the commandments. There is always something within us that rebels a bit when we hear that word "commandments". We are reminded that the commandments are rooted in the simple act of listening: which voice will we listen to?

If we choose to listen to the voice of God, we encounter "bounteous" mercy according to the psalmist. I love the word "bounteous". It reminds me of a cup of ice cream I got once that was so full that the ice cream was flowing over.

To imagine that God's mercy is like that is amazing. It flows over the brim and drenches us with the Love of God. So hard for us to comprehend that we are loved this deeply.

When we become aware of the depth of God's mercy for us, it will certainly revive our spirits. Our spirits can get down and languish when we face some obstacles and difficulties. We need that revival! The Good News is that God provides it with Mercy!!

A great example of that mercy is found in the story of the Good Samaritan in The Gospel of Luke. Jesus demonstrates quite clearly to the questioner who a neighbor truly is. 

A real neighbor acts with kindness and mercy. We are called to do likewise---to show mercy as the Samaritan did. He was not worried about being late or becoming unclean.

He heeded the voice of God, the Voice of Mercy!

When we do that, our spirits will also revive. Our hearts will expand. We will focus less on our own needs and think of how we can reach out to others as our Bounteous God reaches out to us and drenches us in Mercy.

Kathy's photo is from a Good Friday Liturgy at St. Francis Xavier Church in New York City. Now that's Mercy!

1. Which "voice" do you listen to?

2. What images does the word "bounteous" evoke in you?

3. Can you remember a time in your life when your spirits were revived?

4. Is mercy important in your spiritual life?

5. What does Kathy's photo say to you?
(Scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara) 

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