Friday, July 1, 2022

Seventy Two


The Spiritual Waiting Room

Seventy Two
Emissaries     Preparers
Following     Responding     Witnessing
The Harvest for God
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Luke: 10: 1 to 7

Jesus called seventy-two.

He sent them out in pairs to all the towns He wanted to visit.

He told them:
"There is a great harvest but not enough workers.

I am sending you like lambs to fight the wolves.

Do not bring any money with you, no sack, and no sandals.

Do not talk to anyone along your journey but as you go into the homes of the people tell them,

'Peace be to all in this home.'

If that person is a peaceful person, your greeting of peace will rest upon her or him. If not, it will come back to you.

Remain in the one house and eat and drink whatever you are given. As a laborer, you deserve your payment." 


Why 72?

It seems that Jesus is being very precise here. It is an unusual number. We do see seventy elders chosen during the time of Moses. Seventy is a number that denotes fullness of promise and potential in the Bible.

Jesus adds to it and lets these disciples (probably from among those who had been following Him for awhile) go into the towns in pairs.

They all seem to accept this mission. You get the feeling that they are preparing the people for Jesus. Jesus will visit these towns and the people will be ready for the message---the Good News.

This does not seem like an easy mission. Putting ourselves in their sandals, could we accept a task like this?

You have to give up your security and go into these towns without any money or sandals. The only resource you have is the message from Jesus.

Is that enough?

Will people listen?

Will anyone care?

The seventy-two are coming into this adventure caring very much. They have all been following Jesus. We can be sure that they witnessed the calling of the 12 apostles.

Perhaps they were eager to take the next step and to become more involved. They show no hesitation.

Jesus reminds them and us that there is a harvest out there. There are people that are hungry for the Word.

We sometimes complain that there is a lot wrong with our world---the violence, the wars, poverty, homelessness. Jesus reminds us that in these situations people need to hear Good News: they are loved!

We are blessed to be called by Jesus to bring that Good News of God's Love to each person we meet. We don't need money, a bag, or sandals. We just need to follow, respond, and witness.

The harvest is ready!

1. Why do you think Jesus has the disciples go in pairs?

2. What is your mission from Jesus?

3. Do you sometimes doubt your ability to share the Good News?

4. When you ponder Kathy's photo, do those doubts lessen?

(Scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara)

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