Thursday, September 22, 2022



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Homeless     Sickly
Work     Comfort     Feed
Lazarus Means God Helps
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture: Luke 16:19-31

Jesus was talking to the Pharisees.

"There was a wealthy man who was dressed in purple clothes and expensive linen. He dined with huge meals every day.

Right outside his door there was a man named Lazarus who was very poor. He was covered with many wounds and would have been happy with the leftovers from the rich man's meals.

Dogs would come by him and lick his wounds.

When Lazarus died, angels led him to the bosom of Abraham.

When the rich man died, he was in pain in the underworld. He looked up and saw Abraham. Lazarus was next to him.

He called out to Abraham and said,
'Father Abraham, have mercy on me. Have Lazarus come to me and bring me some water to help me deal with my suffering.'

Abraham replied,
'You have to remember that you had it very well while you were on earth. Lazarus was suffering. He has peace here but you are now in pain. There is a huge space between us now and no one can go from one side to the other.'

The rich man replied to Abraham,
'Please Father Abraham send Lazarus to my father's house. There he can warn my five brothers so that they will not have the suffering that I have.'

Abraham told him,
'They should listen to Moses and the prophets.'

The rich man said,
'They will all repent if someone from the dead speaks to them.'

Abraham replied,
'If they do not listen to Moses and the prophets, they will not pay attention to someone who has risen from the dead.'"


How can someone just pass by a person who is hungry and not reach out?

As we read this story of Lazarus and the rich man from Luke, this is the question that troubles us. How can a person possibly eat all these great meals every day and not share some of his food with people who are hungry?

It seems that this rich man was so involved with himself and his own lifestyle, that he just ignored the needs of others. 

He finally seems to discover compassion for others when he asks Abraham to send Lazarus to give a warning to his five brothers. Abraham rejects this because God has already provided so much guidance for us through Moses and the prophets. 

It is not a new thought to show kindness to our sisters and brothers in need. The Hebrew scriptures have made that point time after time.

Even an extraordinary event like someone rising from the dead will not penetrate a heart that has been hardened by selfishness. 

It is interesting, as Kathy indicates in her poem, that Lazarus means "God helps". We are all called to be Lazarus----helpers with and in God. 

The opportunities are there for us each day and all around us. The needs in our society are real: the hungry, the homeless, the lonely, the neglected.

God is calling us to throw out the life preserver in Kathy's photo and let others know that we are there to comfort and sustain them.

1. What do you feel when you see or hear about someone who is hungry?

2. What opportunities have you discovered to help those in need?

3. What do you see when you look at Kathy's photo?


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