Thursday, September 29, 2022


The Spiritual Waiting Room


Righteous     Patient
Waiting     Trusting     Delivering
How Long O Lord
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Habakkuk  1:2-3; 2:2-4

How long, O Lord? I plead for assistance but you do not listen.

I tell you, "Violence!" but you do not assist.

Why do you let me see so much harm; why must I be surrounded with so much pain?

Destruction and violence are all around me.

There is fighting and loud conflict.

The Lord responded to me and said:
Write down what you have seen exactly upon the tablets, so that everyone can read it clearly. For what you have seen is still important. It is moving on towards completion. It will not leave us upset. If it delays, do not be upset but wait patiently. It will definitely come. It will not be late.

The rash person has no integrity.
The one who works for justice and is motivated by faith, that person will live.


The author of Habakkuk  is upset with God. This prophet has had enough of the violence and destruction that are all around. Why is God turning away and not listening?

So many times this seems like the case for us. We wonder why there has to be war and crime and senseless killings. We know instinctively that there must be a better way.

God is listening.

God hears the cry of the prophet.

God encourages the prophet to write down the vision. We are not to hide our heads in the sand and ignore the evil that is happening.

We are encouraged to keeping working for justice and to wait patiently. It is easy to give up. We are challenged to be persons of integrity and to be steadfast in our work for justice.

How long O Lord?

We pose that same question. We have a vision of what the world should be. We want to see an end to war, poverty, abuse, exploitation, and prejudice. 

We join with the author of Habakkuk and question God. Justice should come more quickly. We are tired of waiting.

It is our challenge to keep on working step by step to achieve justice. It is up to all of us to create that world where each person is respected and valued. 

Our acts of kindness and care make a difference. We are called to be persons of integrity and to keep on building the world of justice that God desires.

1. Do you ever get upset with God?

2. How does God listen to you?

3. How can you work for justice?

4. What does Kathy's photo say to you?

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