Thursday, October 6, 2022



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Marginalized     Samaritan
Pitied     Cleansed     Healed
Where Are the Other Nine?
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Luke 17:11 to 19

While Jesus was on His journey to Jerusalem, he was going through Samaria and Galilee. As He was coming into a town, ten lepers met Him.

They kept their distance from Him but shouted out, "Jesus, Master! Show pity towards us!"

When Jesus looked in their direction, He said, "Go and make yourselves known to the priests."

As they were heading to do what Jesus had asked, they were all cleansed.

One of the lepers who was aware that he was healed, came back to find Jesus. He praised God in a loud voice and fell down at the feet of Jesus. 

He thanked Jesus.

He was a Samaritan.

Jesus spoke to him and said, "Ten were healed. Where are the others? Why is it that the only one who gave thanks to God is this foreigner?"

Jesus said to him, "Stand up and continue on your way. It is your faith that has healed you."


One returned out of ten. Not a good success rate!

This one however teaches us about the meaning of faith. He realizes that Jesus is a healer. He knows that Jesus is close to God. 

He does not wait for the other nine. We don't know if they came later or if they just went on their way to the priests and did not acknowledge Jesus. 

This one knows who has the power to heal. He recognizes how special Jesus is.

We are moved here by the compassion of Jesus. He sees the ten suffering and His heart is touched. 

He does not make a big display of His compassion but simply instructs these ten who have been in distress to go to the priests and to fulfill the laws with regard to healing from leprosy.

These ten have been excluded from community by virtue of their illness and now they can return to their families and friends.

We can all relate to this situation because of the trials we have suffered (and still are suffering) due to the COVID pandemic. We know the isolation and the frustration of not being able to meet with others and to celebrate with our families.

These ten reach out to Jesus to ask His help in restoring them to their friends and families---to give them their lives back.

One of them returns to give thanks and models for us the gratitude that we should show for all the Blessings we have been given. He does not take his healing for granted but keeps his eyes on the Healer.

Thank you, Jesus!

1. Why do you think only one returned?

2. How have you been dealing with the isolation and fear that the pandemic has caused?

3. What are the Blessings that you are most grateful for?

4. What do you feel as you look at Kathy's photo?

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