Thursday, October 13, 2022



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Persistent     Faithful
Hand-Raised     Staff     Unceasingly
Pray Never Lose Heart
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scriptures:   Exodus 17: 8-13

Amalek came to wage a battle against the Israelites. Moses told Joshua to pick out some special men and to fight against the forces of Amalek. Moses would be standing on top of a hill near the battle and he told Joshua that he would have the staff of God in his hand.
During the battle when Moses had his hands raised up the battle went well for the forces of Joshua.

However, as soon a Moses dropped his hands the battle went poorly.

The men with Moses observed this and so they put a rock by Moses that he could sit on and Aaron and Hur supported his hands.

Joshua and his men won the battle decisively. 

Luke 18:1 to 8

Jesus was teaching about the importance of praying and not giving up. He told a story about a judge who had no respect for God or people. 

A widow from that town came to him and asked for justice.

The judge was not willing to help the widow. Eventually he realized that if he did not help this woman that she might strike him. He delivered a just decision for her.

Jesus pointed out that we should look what this dishonest judge says. God will certainly honor the cries of those who reach out to God day and night. 

Jesus said, "Will God be slow to answer their prayers?"


It is hard to persevere!

In our reading from Exodus Moses is very well intentioned. He wants to support Joshua in his battle, but he gets tired.

We can all relate to situations like that. We start out with great intentions and then we get distracted, lose interest, and our project fails.

Moses, however, is surrounded by a wonderful community of friends who support him. They help him to stick with it and Joshua succeeds in the battle.

In our reading from Luke the widow does not give up in her quest for justice. She gets the attention of a dishonest judge, and he eventually decides in her favor.

Jesus tells us that we should have the same persistence in our prayer. God will certainly listen to us. 

Moses and this widow can be great examples for us when we feel like giving up. We can continue to put our trust in God and realize that God will always listen. 

Our efforts to establish justice can be very frustrating at times. Like the widow whom Jesus praises, we can wonder if true justice will ever come.

As we persevere and also allow ourselves to be helped by others as Moses was, hearts can be softened, ears can be opened, and justice can come.

God is listening!

1. Do you find it hard to persevere in your prayer?

2. How has the community helped you to remain faithful?

3. What are the areas where you would like to see justice come?

4. What strikes you as you contemplate Kathy's picture?
(scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara)


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