Thursday, November 3, 2022



The Spiritual Waiting Room

New     Creation
Alive     Living     Eternally
Sharing In Divine Life
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Luke 20: 27, 34 to 38

Some Sadducees came forward to question Jesus. They do not believe in the resurrection.

Jesus spoke to them:
"Those from this age marry and remarry.
Those in the age to come who are worthy of the resurrection of the dead do not marry.

They do not die.
They are similar to the angels.
They are the children of God.
They will rise.

Moses spoke about this resurrection when he encountered God in the burning bush:

' The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.'

The God of the living, not of the dead.

In God all are alive."


In this passage from Luke, the Sadducees try to trap Jesus. They do not believe in the resurrection so they ask Jesus about a woman who was married to seven brothers. She was childless and each brother died. They want to know to whom this woman would be married at the resurrection.

The trap does not work because Jesus teaches them the meaning of resurrection. It is about our relationship with God---the God of the living.

Resurrection is about our joyful encounter with God. 

God is gifting us with a Love beyond all description. 

At the moment of death God embraces us with the warmth of Eternal Light.

All our fears, doubts, and worries are left behind. We enter into a new realm of caring and community. 

Jesus clearly tells the Sadducees and us what God wishes to share with us.



1. When you think about resurrection, how would you describe it?

2. What does it mean for you to be alive in God?

3. What does God want to share with you?

4. As you contemplate Kathy's photo, what do you feel?

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