Thursday, November 10, 2022

Sun of Justice


The Spiritual Waiting Room

Sun of Justice
Healing     Rays
Work     Imitate    Persevere
The Day Is Coming
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Malachi 3:19 to 20a

The day is now coming
Flaming like an oven
Evildoers and the proud destroyed
The day coming will set them on fire
Neither root nor branch left
If you respect my Name
the sun of justice
will arise!


Malachi gets our attention!

We are told that a special day is coming.
This day will be a time of purification.

Frequently you can wonder: what can I do about all the evil in the world? How can I work with others to eliminate all the exploitation and prejudice that we see around us?

The day is coming!

The key is to respect the Name of God and to follow the path God shows us. This leads us to justice.

The search for justice is difficult and takes time and much effort. God assures us in this reading that God will help us. We are not alone in this struggle. 

It might seem like evil is winning and the proud are having their way. Malachi assures us that those who embrace evil and pride will be reduced by "fire".

Many times in the scriptures a connection is made between fire and the Holy Spirit. It is fire that purifies and transforms. Tongues of fire come upon the apostles at Pentecost and give them the courage to proclaim the message of Jesus in spite of their own fears and the difficulties that they face.

It is this same fire that God sends upon us to help us stand up for justice and overcome the evil and pride that always challenges us.

The day is coming!

Are you ready?

1. How do you try to overcome the evil in the world?

2. What are some ways that you have tried to establish justice?

3. How does the Holy Spirit work in your life?

4. As you look at Kathy's photo, what do you see?
(scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara) 

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