Monday, December 19, 2022



The Spiritual Waiting Room

God's     Imprint
Dawning     Sustaining     Dwelling
Great Light Upon Earth
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:  Hebrews 1: 1 to 4

In former times, God spoke in partial ways to those who came before us through the prophets.

In these days God spoke to us through the Son, whom God established as the heir of all things and through whom God brought the universe into being.

The Son is the refulgence of God's glory,

 the very imprint of God.

God sustains all things through the mighty word of the Son,

who brought about the cleansing of sin and

who took His seat at the right hand of God.

He is far above the angels and his name is more exalted than theirs.


Our reading from Hebrews contrasts the message that God gave through the prophets and the message from the Son. 

The message from the Son is a message of Light, a Light that dwells among us. It is a Light that can overcome all the darkness---it is bright, it is refulgent.

Through the Son we can see the glory of God. We can know how deeply our God loves us and wants to be with us.

The prophets point us in this direction. They tell us that God wants to bring great joy to us and that God wants salvation to spread to the ends of the earth.

That Good News comes to us in a Person----Jesus, the Son of God. His name is exalted above the angels because He is Emmanuel, God with us.

We embrace that Good News by bringing the Light to everyone we know. We share the JOY of Christmas with each person we encounter.

The Light shines on!

1. How has the Light of Christ come to you?

2. Why does God want to dwell with us?

3. Why is the name of Jesus exalted above the angels?

4. What message do you get as you reflect on Kathy's photo?
(scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara)


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