Wednesday, December 28, 2022



The Spiritual Waiting Room

First     Messengers
Revealing     Proclaiming     Praising
Infant Lying in Manger
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:  Luke 2: 16 to 20

The shepherds went quickly and found Mary and Joseph, and the infant lying in the manger.

When they saw this, they proclaimed the message that had been given to them about this child.

All who heard them were astounded by what the shepherds told them.

Mary remembered all these events and pondered them in her heart.

Then the shepherds went back and gave glory and praise to God for all that they heard and saw for it was exactly what had been told to them.


Shocked Shepherds!

A quiet, peaceful night in the fields turns into an amazing adventure. 

They are told by an angel to go and to find a child who will bring salvation. This child will be the Messiah.

What a challenge to believe this. Was this really happening or were they just dreaming?

A multitude of angels gave praise to God. Then they went and found the child.

It was an act of faith.

They trusted in the message that they were given as impossible and improbable as it might have seemed.

They went.

They saw.

They found.

They shared the message. 

The shepherds become examples for all of us. When we are challenged to believe, will we place our trust in God and go and seek Jesus?

The shepherds go to an unlikely place. Why would a Messiah come in a cave and be placed in a simple manger where animals feed?

They put their doubts aside and discover a child who will bring Good News to all. They are not afraid to share the message that they received from the angel with all who are there.

Mary remembered that message about her child.

She pondered it in her heart.

It is a message upon which we also reflect.

God has come among us.

God wants to be one with us.

The Messiah is here!

The shepherds have told us.

Will we share the message? 

1. How do you think the shepherds felt when they heard the message from the angel?

2. What led them to believe in the message?

3. How do you think Mary and Joseph felt when they heard the shepherds share the message that they had received?

4. How can you share the message?

5. What do you see as you ponder Kathy's photo?
(scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara)

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