Thursday, February 23, 2023



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Spirit     Led     Forty-Days
Enter     Acknowledge     Pray
For It Is Written
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Matthew 4: 1 to 4

The Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  He had no food for forty days and forty nights, and was hungry after His fast.

The devil came to Him and said, "If you truly are the Son of God, tell these stones that they should become loaves of bread."

Jesus replied to the tempter and said, "It is written: One does not exist on bread alone, but on the word that God has given to us."


What is Lent all about?

Lent can mean many things to different people: giving up something that we really like; not eating meat on Ash Wednesday, the Fridays of Lent, and Good Friday; fasting on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.

Some use Lent as a time to pray more.

Others see Lent as a time to help those in need with our sacrifices and service.

Many like to attend the Stations of the Cross or do more spiritual reading or journalling.

As we reflect together on this passage from Matthew on the First Temptation that Jesus faced in the wilderness, we can see some more ideas about Lent.

The first thing we can notice is that Jesus is led by the Spirit. A good Lenten starting point for us might be to take some quiet time and ask ourselves, "Where is the Spirit leading me this Lent?"

Jesus was led into the wilderness. It was a place of quiet. Jesus could get away from the everyday routines that He faced. He could be alone with the Father.

Where can we find our wilderness this Lent? Is there a place where we can go (a room in our home or apartment; the beach; a forest or park) where we can be alone with God and listen to God's word for us?

What are the temptations that we have been encountering lately? We can clearly understand his First Temptation that Jesus is facing. He must be really hungry after all that fasting.

Jesus counters this temptation by turning to that which has been written---the Word of God. He shows His love for the Hebrew scriptures as He quotes Deuteronomy 8, verse 3. He lets the tempter know that there are many ways we can be fed and overcome our hunger.

This Lent we are challenged to enter into the wilderness where the Holy Spirit will lead us and to spend some quiet time with God and to allow God to nourish us.

Enjoy the Feast!

1. What does Lent mean to you this year?

2. Where has the Holy Spirit been leading you lately?

3. What are the temptations that you have been facing recently?

4. What do you see as you reflect on Kathy's photo?
(scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara)

Thursday, February 16, 2023



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Compassionate     Kind
Merciful     Pardoning     Healing
God Redeems Your Life
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Psalm 103: 1 to 4

Bless the Lord, my interior spirit;
and my whole self, give praise to God's name.
Bless the Lord, my soul,
Remember all God has given to you.

God has pardoned all your sins,
healed you of any injury.
God redeems your life from any harm,
showers you with kindness and compassion.


Sometimes it can be hard for us to remember all that God has given to us. 

We have been blessed with the gift of life. We are surrounded by a beautiful creation. We have many amazing people who try to educate us, assist us, and encourage us.

Yet when we face obstacles and challenges, it is easy to forget all we have been given. We focus only on the difficulty in the present moment.

It is good to take a step back from that difficulty and speak with God. We can give praise to the God who has gifted us with so much and ask for God's assistance.

God is always ready to forgive us and to heal us. God wants us to feel whole and strong. 

The psalmist tells us that God wants to "shower us with kindness and compassion". I think that is a shower that we are all eager to take!

God has come as Redeemer to let each one of us know that we are Loved with a Love that is infinite. It is a Love that will last forever and that comes to help us overcome the difficulties and challenges that we all face.

It is a Love that works through all of us when we reach out to others with empathy and understanding. It is a Love that comes alive when, instead of judging another person, we take time to listen attentively and to assist where we can.

Abba is a term of intimacy. It speaks to us about a God who cares deeply and completely like a parent who always has time for each child.

Kathy's photo shows us our God with arms wide open. Enjoy the embrace!

1. Why do we so easily forget what our God has given to us? 

2. Can you remember a time when God showered you with kindness and compassion?

3. How does God's Love work through you?

4. What do you feel as you reflect on Kathy's photo?
(scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara)

Thursday, February 9, 2023



The Spiritual Waiting Room

God's      Wisdom
Observe     Trust     Discern
Walk In The Law
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scriptures:   Sirach 15: 15 to 17

If you make the right choice, you can follow the commandments.
They will heal you.

If you put your trust in God, you will be fully alive.

God has placed before you fire and water; whichever you choose, stretch forth your hand.

Before all of us are the paths of life and of death, of good and evil.

Whichever you choose, that is what will be given to you.

Psalm 119: 1 and 2

Happy are they whose way is without blame,
who walk in the law of the Lord.

Happy are they who follow all the decrees of God, those who seek God with their whole heart.

Matthew 5: 17

Jesus said, "Do not believe that I have come to destroy the law or the prophets.

I have come not to destroy but to fulfill."


We have choices to make!

Did you ever reflect on some of the choices you have made and the consequences of those choices?

Sometimes we find it difficult to make choices. We don't know the right path to choose. We have all discovered that there is not just black and white in life but also a ton of grey.

Sirach advises us to choose life and the good. As we try to do that, we have help. God has given us the commandments. We have guidance. Our consciences can be formed to discern the best path to follow.

The key in that process is found in the Book of Psalms. We have to follow God with "our whole heart". When we do that, we are showing our love for God and we are putting God first in our choices.

Jesus puts that very directly in Matthew. He has come not to destroy the law that was given through Moses but to fulfill that law.

We know that the choices we make can lead to a real difference. We can reach out to others who might need someone to listen to them about challenges they are facing. That simple act of love and caring might lead to healing.

Kathy's photo points to a choice that can make a big difference in our lives: the choice to be baptized and to give our lives to Jesus.

The path of life.

The path of death.

We have a choice!

1. Can you think of a choice that you made that changed your life?

2. How do the commandments help you when you are having difficulty making a choice?

3. What does it mean to follow God with your "whole heart"?

4. What do you see when you reflect on Kathy's photo?  

Thursday, February 2, 2023



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Radiates     Shines
Witness     Illuminate     Glorify
Gives Light To All
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Matthew 5:13 to 16

Jesus taught His followers: "You are the salt of the earth. However if salt loses its taste, how can it be seasoned again? It has no use. It is just thrown out and people walk all over it.

You are the light of the world. A city that is built on the top of a mountain will be seen by all who are approaching.

People do not light a lamp and then cover it over.
They will put it on a lampstand so that it can illuminate the entire house.

In the same way you must let your light shine before other people. This way they will see the good that you are doing and give praise to God."


Get your lampstand ready! 

What good is a light if no one can see it? If you cover it over with a dark shade or put it in a remote corner of your home, the light will be diminished. The shade might look pretty or it might be in the perfect spot; but good luck trying to read a book with that light!

We all need to work on our lampstands. 

There is a great tradition in the Hebrew scriptures (Leviticus and Numbers) with regard to the lampstands. They are described in great detail and were fine works of art made by the best craftspeople. 

They had an important place next to the altar of sacrifice. The light that came from those lampstands reminded the people that God was always with them in even the darkest of times.

Many people are modest about letting their light shine from their lampstands. They think it might be bragging too much or drawing too much attention to themselves.

A careful reading of what Jesus is saying here puts that swiftly to rest. Jesus says that when people notice the good you are doing as you let your light shine, they will give praise to God and not to you.

The light from our lampstands comes from God. God has given us the gifts and talents that we use to make our world a more loving, kind, and just place.

It is not about us.

It is all about our generous and caring God.

Time to build that lampstand!

1. What type of lampstand would you like to build?

2. Are you bragging if you let your light shine?

3. Where does your light come from?

4. What do you feel as you reflect on Kathy's photo?

(scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara)



  The Spiritual Waiting Room Lent Solitude   Fasting Resist   Evil   Temptations Cling To His Word Deliverance (Photo and poem by Kathy McNa...