Thursday, March 30, 2023



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Bestowed   Exalted
Humble   Obedient   Submissive
Death On A Cross
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Philippians 2: 8 and 9

...Jesus humbled Himself, becoming obedient to death, even death on a cross. 

Since Jesus accepted this, God greatly exalted Him and gave Him the name that is above every name


What is in a name?

So much! Names can reveal a lot about who a person is an what a person stands for.

The name of Jesus is a name that we treasure. It is a name that says Love. It is a name that invites us into a relationship.

The exaltation of that name comes from the humility of Jesus. Jesus did not come to seek power or control. He came to share Good News.

He told us that the Kingdom of God was present among us. He told us that love of God and love of neighbor were the ways to make that Kingdom real in our everyday lives.

The cross might seem like a terrible end, and it is certainly a cruel and horrible way to die. It is, however, not an end but a new beginning for Jesus.

Jesus gives us the gift of Himself totally and completely. He holds nothing back. He shows us the depth of His Love. 

God sees this and exalts Jesus and gives Him a name that is above every other name. 

It is a name that saves.

A name that invites.

A name that Loves.

1. What does your name reveal about you?

2. When you hear the name of Jesus, what do you feel?

3. How important is humility in your life?

4. What do you feel when you contemplate Kathy's photo?

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  The Spiritual Waiting Room Lent Solitude   Fasting Resist   Evil   Temptations Cling To His Word Deliverance (Photo and poem by Kathy McNa...