Thursday, April 6, 2023

Empty Tomb


The Spiritual Waiting Room

Empty Tomb
Burial     Cloth
Believe     Truth     Resurrection
All Prophets Bear Witness
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scriptures:   John 20: 6 to 8

When Simon Peter arrived after him, he entered the tomb and saw the burial cloths there, and the cloth that had covered the head of Jesus. 

It was not with the burial cloths but it was in a separate place rolled up.

Then the disciple who came first to the tomb went in. He saw the empty tomb and he believed.

Acts 10: 40 to 43

God raised Jesus on the third day and wanted Him to be visible, not to all the people, but to us. We are the witnesses chosen in advance by God.

We ate and drank with Him after He rose from the dead.

He asked us to share the Good News with the people and testify that He is the one God chose to be the judge of the living and the dead.

To Him all the prophets bear witness.

Everyone who believes in Him will be forgiven of their sins through the power of His name.


What amazing news!

The tomb is empty.

How can the apostles process this? Even though Jesus had tried to prepare the disciples for this moment, it was beyond their understanding.

What explanation could be offered? The apostles even noticed that the burial cloths were there. The cloth that covered the head of Jesus was even in a separate place.

The apostles were coming to believe that the tomb was empty and that Jesus was risen.

In the book of Acts Luke is sharing the words of Peter months after the events he had experienced. He was able to actually eat and drink with Jesus after His resurrection. 

Peter knew at this time that Jesus had overcome death. Jesus was the one about whom all the prophets had spoken. 

Jesus had come to share a special gift with us: the gift of forgiveness.

It is that gift which allows us to celebrate life forever.

The tomb is empty.

Our hearts are full!

1. If you were at that empty tomb, what would you think?

2. How important is the gift of forgiveness for you?

3. How do you react today when you reflect on the empty tomb?

4. What do you feel when you see Kathy's photo?

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