Friday, June 16, 2023



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Twelve     Apostles
Cure     Raise     Cleanse
Jesus' Heart Was Moved
Without Cost
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Matthew 9:35 to 38; 10:1 and 7

Jesus travelled to all the towns and villages. He taught in the synagogues and shared the Good News of the kingdom.

He cured those who were sick.

As He looked at the people who were following Him, His heart was moved with compassion for them. They seemed troubled and without direction, like sheep who had no shepherd to guide them.

Then Jesus said to the disciples who were with Him, "The potential for the harvest is huge but we are in need of laborers. Ask the one who is in charge of the harvest to send out more laborers for this large harvest."

Then Jesus called twelve of His followers and He anointed them as apostles. He gave them authority over evil spirits so that they could drive them out.

He gave them authority over every disease.

Jesus told them that when they went out sharing the Good News, they would say:

"God's Kingdom is here."

 They were to cure the sick. Raise the dead. Cleanse the lepers. Drive out the evil spirits.

" Without cost you have received; without cost you are to give."


When we hear the word authority, we can have different reactions. We can become very apprehensive that the authority might be looking to punish us. We can delight is meeting someone who is knowledgeable in a field that we are very interested in learning about. We can wonder if we have the skill set to be placed in a position of tremendous importance at our job.

The authority that Jesus is giving is really an ability to help those who are facing difficulties. In this passage from Matthew we get a huge glimpse into the humanity and compassion of Jesus.

He is looking at the faces of the people who are coming to hear Him. He looks into their hearts and their souls and He sees their struggles and difficulties. Matthew tells us that "His heart was moved with compassion". Jesus knows that they need good leaders who will guide them to the truth and heal them of their hurts.

The authority that Jesus gives to the apostles is a response from Jesus to the needs He sees. He wants to make sure that the People of God can find comfort and peace.

Jesus comes to us with that same authority today. He calls us to heal those who are heavily burdened and overwhelmed with the hardships that they are facing.

We all know people in our lives who need a kind word or someone who will listen. Jesus is calling us today, as He called the twelve apostles in the first century, to be His agents of compassion in the world.

We know how great His authority is. Let us use the gifts that flow from that authority to transform our world through one act of compassion at a time.

God's Kingdom is here!

1. What is your first reaction when you hear the word authority?

2. Why is the heart of Jesus moved with compassion for the people who are following him?

3. Who are the people that Jesus has been sending to you who need the healing of Jesus?

4. How can we transform our world?

5. What do you see as you reflect on Kathy's photo?
(scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara)

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