Friday, June 23, 2023



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Declare     Attest
Admit     Fear     Proclaim
Speak In The Light
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Matthew 10: 26 to 28a; 32

Do not be afraid of those who will reject you. Nothing is hidden that will not be brought into the light.

Nothing is secret that will not be revealed.

What I say to you privately, share it with everyone.

What you hear me say quietly to you, proclaim it from the housetops.

Everyone who acknowledges Me before other people, I will acknowledge before my heavenly Father.


Have you ever acknowledged Jesus before other people who were not eager to hear about Him?

Not an easy task!

We have a bag full of excuses:

I don't want to upset other people.

I don't want to force my faith on other people.

My faith is personal---it's just between me and Jesus.

What if they don't think I'm cool any more?

Pretty convincing objections, right?

Such a shame that Jesus will have none of that in this passage from Matthew! Jesus doesn't equivocate here. He tells us to go out and share the message publicly and in the light. 

No keeping secrets! Tell others how great Jesus is and how much Jesus loves them.

You might get rejected.


Sometimes, however, you have planted a seed that might come to fruition down the road. It might be a seed that you don't personally see blossom and teem with new life. It might take time.

Are you willing to acknowledge Jesus?

1. What is your number one excuse for not sharing the Good News of Jesus?

2. Why does Jesus want us to share the message from the "housetops"?

3. How do you overcome your fear that people will reject you if you talk to them about Jesus?

4. What do you feel when you reflect on Kathy's photo?
(scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara)

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