Thursday, June 29, 2023



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Priority     Identity
Grace     Love     Surrender
A Cup Of Water
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Matthew 10: 38-39, 42

Whoever does not take up his cross and follow Me is not worthy of me.

Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will discover it.

Whoever gives only a cup of refreshing water to one of these disciples to drink---he will be rewarded.


Is this any way to recruit disciples? 

Jesus is telling them that they will have to take up a cross and follow Him. I'm sure in hearing this the disciples could not have been too happy!

The cross was a frightening reality. It was used by the Roman authorities as a cruel and intimidating form of punishment. It was meant to keep the conquered peoples in line and to make sure that they had no thoughts of rebellion.

Jesus does not soft peddle what His disciples will be facing. If you want to follow Jesus, there will be many challenges. He gives His disciples fair warning.

Jesus tells them that they will have to lose their life to find it. It certainly was a prediction that came true. The apostles gave their lives up through martyrdom for the sake of the Gospel. They were completely dedicated to sharing the Good News and did not hold back.

Jesus says when we do this, we will truly discover our lives. We will find meaning, purpose, and true happiness. We will find true joy----a joy that no one can take from us.

The authorities who put Jesus to death and the apostles to death thought that by doing this they would quash the message. The opposite happened and the message kept on spreading.

Through our baptism, we have been called to proclaim the Gospel as the apostles did. We are called to sacrifice everything for Jesus. We are called to make Jesus our priority.

It was a huge challenge for the apostles and it is a huge challenge for us today. We have to take up our cross and to follow in the way that Jesus will show us. 

It might seem difficult but Jesus assures us that we do not walk alone. He will be with us to assist us and to guide us. There will be those to who will offering us that refreshing cup of water to keep us going. 

We will find true life with the cross!

1. What are some of the challenges that you have been facing lately in following Jesus?

2. What are the joys you have found in following Jesus?

3. Is following Jesus a priority for you?

4. Who are some of the people in your life who have offered you that refreshing cup of water to keep you going?

5. What do you feel as you reflect on Kathy's photo?
(scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara) 

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