Thursday, October 12, 2023



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Summons     Call
Come to the Feast
Wear a Wedding Garment
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Matthew 22: 8,9, and 12

The king said to his servants, "The feast is ready, but those who were invited did not respond. Go out therefore into the town and invite those you find."

The king saw someone who had come without the wedding garment and said to him, "Why do you come into the feast without a wedding garment?".


Isn't it wonderful to get an invitation? It tells us that someone really cares about us. They are thinking about us.

The invitation in this parable from Matthew is a special one---it is an invitation to a feast. I'm just thinking about all the food and the dancing and the fellowship with everyone who will be there! How amazing! 

In this parable there were many, however, who declined the invitation from the king. Some ignored the invitation; but there were others who treated the servants who brought the invitation rudely and even killed them. What a terrible way to show disrespect for the king.

Another person who came did not even bother to put on the wedding garment that was provided for the guests. Again this person was not showing proper respect for the king who was being so kind and so generous.

This parable can lead us to reflect on the invitation that Jesus has given us. He is calling us to be part of His community of Love and Caring.

Jesus gave us this invitation at our Baptism. He wants us to be part of the community of believers. 

Like the people in this parable, we have been given an invitation. We can ignore the invitation and be busy with other pursuits. We can even treat those who are offering the invitation in a rude way.

When we say yes to the invitation of Jesus and put on our wedding garment of God's grace, our lives become transformed by the Love that Jesus wants to share with us. We feel the presence of Jesus and are moved to share that Love with each person we meet.

Enjoy the feast!

1. How do you feel when you get an invitation to a feast?

2.  What are some of the ways that you cope with people who do not show respect for you?

3. How has Jesus given you an invitation?

4. What are some of the ways that you have responded to the invitation of Jesus?

5. As you reflect on Kathy's photo, what does it say to you?

(Scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara)

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