Thursday, October 5, 2023



The Spiritual Waiting Room


All      Understanding

Prayer     Petition     Thanksgiving

The Peace Of God


(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Philippians 4:6 and 7

Have no worry at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make all your needs known to God.

Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will protect your hearts and minds in Jesus Christ.


How would you like to get rid of all your worries?

I think many of us would line up for that offer. Nobody wants to dwell on the daily worries that confront all of us.

Our scripture reading from Philippians presents a solution for us: bring all those worries to God. Take time in prayer when you are troubled and upset. If you have a need, let God know through your petitions.

Give thanks to God as you share your concerns. Place your trust in God that those worries will be eased.

Of course we have to ask how can God take care of all of our needs. There are so many people in the world that it seems impossible for God to deal with all of us and all of our issues.

This scripture reminds us that God wants to give us peace. God knows that we all have to deal with many challenges that will create anxiety within us. The peace of God surpasses our limited capacities. We cannot begin to comprehend how extensive that peace is. 

God wants to gift us with that peace. When we compare our worries with the peace of God, there is no comparison. God's peace far surpasses our anxieties in its depth and strength. 

As we reflect on this, we start to see how limited our understanding is. This allows us to put our worries in a different perspective. They do not seem as overwhelming.

We always feel consoled when we realize someone has our back. How great is it when we begin to realize that God has our back (and our front and sides also!).

Enjoy the Peace of God!

1. What are some of the worries that you face every day?

2. Are you willing to bring your worries to God?

3. When have you found the Peace of God in your life?

4. How do you feel when you begin to realize that God has your back?

5. What do you feel as you reflect on Kathy's photo?

(Scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara)

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