Thursday, November 16, 2023



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Talents   Gifts
Entrusted   Received   Traded
Share Your Master's Joy
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture: Matthew 25:20 and 21

The servant who had received the five talents came to report what he had done. He said, "Master i took the five that you gave me and I have made five more."

The Master said to him, "That is wonderful! You did so well in this small matter, that I will now be able to give you even more responsibilities. Come now and share in your master's joy."


Is is hard sometimes to give an "account" of ourselves and our actions. We can be afraid that someone is going to judge us and point out our shortcomings.

In this passage from Matthew there are three servants. Two of them do well. No problem. The third was given only the one talent. Unfortunately he buried it in the ground because he was afraid of his master. 

That can easily  happen to us. Out of fear of not doing well we can step back from a challenge. We can think of someone who is trying out for a team. She or he might notice that there are a lot of people who are trying out for just a few spots. The person might think that it would be impossible to make the team and just withdraw.

The fear can dominate. It is hard to give an account of ourselves.

This Master knows each of the servants very well. He has given talents according to the abilities of the servant. Our problem is that we don't always trust the Master. Our fears cripple us.

The amazing thing is that when we do use our talents, we can accomplish so much. Our efforts can lead to great things. We can touch the lives of those in need and lift them up.

Think of the teachers who have helped you to believe in yourself; the coaches who have encouraged you; the spiritual advisers who taught you how to pray; and the friends who supported you when you were filled with doubts. 

The Master models that for us. When the two servants return to him, he lets them know that he wants them to share his joy. 

We give our account. We try our best. We use the talents that God has shared so generously with us. 

Our effort pales in comparison with the Love of the Master who just wants to surround us with JOY. This joy overcomes our fears and strengthens us to work for justice and peace. We can take on even greater responsibilities.

Time to spread that JOY!

1. How do you feel when you are asked to give an account of how you use your talents?

2. Why is it so hard to overcome our fear of being judged?

3. What are some ways that you have used your talents to help others?

4. Who are some people who have lifted you up when you were struggling?

5. What do you see as you reflect on Kathy's photo?
(Scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara) 

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