Saturday, November 25, 2023


The Spiritual Waiting Room

Brothers   Sisters
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You Did For Me
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:  Matthew 25:40 

And the king will tell them, "I say to you that if you helped one of the least of my sisters or brothers, you did it for me."


Who are the least?

It is an interesting question. Some might determine the least by the size of their bank account others by the size of their house. 

Some might judge them the least by their lack of talent at a particular sport or by their low grades in school. Still others might look at the quality of clothes they wear or the type of car they drive.

Jesus seems to indicate that the least are the ones we overlook or ignore. We can look at our reaction to the homeless or the immigrants or those in refugee camps. Do we walk away from them? Do we want to send them to another country or another state? Do we just ignore them?

It is not an easy call. We can be afraid of what the least might do to us. We can legitimately wonder if they are dangerous. We can think that they might attack us. We can be genuinely afraid that we might enable them by giving them too much and make them dependent on us.

All of these reactions are reasonable and understandable. People have been physically hurt by trying to reach out to someone who seems to be in need but yet is mentally or emotionally unstable.

Jesus is calling us to something that is difficult. It is a challenge for us. Many times we will not do it. We will turn away.

When we do muster up enough courage and strength to reach out to the least, we will not always get a positive response. The person might be confused and wonder why we are reaching out. They might take advantage of our kindness.

We don't do it for a reward, to get credit, or to be praised. We reach out to the least for a very simple and direct reason as Jesus indicates so clearly in this teaching. We do it because that person is Jesus.

Jesus lets us know in this parable that He is present in each person we meet. We can not turn away from those who need food, shelter, and clothing because if we do that, we are turning away from Jesus.

In this sense there are no "least" in the Kingdom of Jesus. Jesus is all in all.

Jesus has chosen to Love each person He has created. He has formed each person in His image and likeness. 

We are all the "least" and we are all the "most". 

We are Loved with a Love that transcends those distinctions and has chosen to dwell with us.

We have an amazing King in Jesus----a King who has only one desire.

To Love each and every person. 

How could we ever turn our backs on the "least" and yet say that we are following Jesus?

1. How would you describe those who are the "least"?

2. Why do you turn away from the "least"?

3. Why are we called to reach out to the "least"?

4. Is there really anyone who is "least" in the Kingdom of Jesus?

5. How would you describe the "kingship" of Jesus?

6. What do you feel as you contemplate Kathy's photo?
(Scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara)    


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