Thursday, January 18, 2024



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Message   Discipleship
Repent   Believe   Follow
The Time of Fulfillment
(Photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Mark: 1: 14 to 16

After John's arrest, Jesus went around Galilee spreading the good news:

"This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is here. Repent, and accept the gospel."

Jesus came to the Sea of Galilee and he saw two brothers, Simon and Andrew. They were casting their nets into the sea to try to catch some fish. 

Jesus spoke to them, saying
"Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men."


How do you feel when someone calls you and asks you to follow her or him?

Most of us in that situation would like to take some time to think it over, to evaluate the pros and cons, to consult with others, and to ponder our decision.

In this passage there is none of that. Jesus issues His call and the fishermen leave what they are doing and follow Him immediately.

Why so quickly? 

We can imagine that there was such a special quality in the way Jesus spoke to them, in His gaze, and in His body language that an instant response was demanded. 

The fishermen left everything and followed Jesus. They made no excuses.

They didn't say that they needed more time.

They didn't ask about the salary.

They didn't haggle over perks and benefits.

They just followed the call.

The call was about Good News---the Kingdom of God had come. It was here right now. No more waiting.

All that the prophets had spoken about was now here in Jesus. He came to let everyone know that this was the opportunity that was spoken about: God was here---in the midst of the people.

The apostles were excited to get this call and to proclaim the presence of the Kingdom. They would now have the opportunity to catch people rather than fish.

That same call comes to each one of us today. We reflect on the question: how can I spread the Good News?

We have all been given gifts and talents. We can use them to let others know this Good News: the Kingdom is here!

The Love of God has arrived and is in our midst. God will lead us. 

How will you respond to God's call?

1. How do you picture Jesus calling you?

2. What are the excuses that you usually make when God calls you to proclaim the Kingdom?

3. Why were the apostles so excited to get this call?

4. How excited do you get when you receive God's call?

5. What do you feel as you reflect on Kathy's photo?
(Scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara)

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