Thursday, January 25, 2024



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Authority   Commander
Cast Out   Expel   Obey
The People Were Astonished
(Photo and Poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Mark 1:22 

The people were astonished at the teaching of Jesus.
He was a teacher who taught with authority and not like the scribes. 


What do we look for in a teacher?

It is certainly important that teachers have command of the subject and that they know what they are talking about. It is important that they are prepared.

It seems from this passage that Jesus was a teacher who was different. He stood out. The scribes would teach by quoting the opinions of others. Jesus taught with certainty and conviction. He did not have to refer to other teachers.

This astonished the people who were gathered. They were even more amazed when Jesus cast the evil spirit out of the man. They started wondering exactly what type of person Jesus was. Where did He get His knowledge and His ability to communicate it so effectively?

The authority that Jesus showed came from His relationship with the Father. Jesus was always going off by Himself to pray and to reflect on the mission that the Father gave Him. He was one with the Father.

Jesus invites us into that relationship. He calls us to listen to His teaching as we pray and ponder the Word of God. We have all experienced many teachers in our life. They have helped us greatly. 

Jesus comes to teach us also as they have. He wants to share the Good News that the Father gave to Him. It is astonishing.

When we hear that Good News from Jesus, our Teacher, our lives are changed forever. We know that we are loved with an Infinite Love.

We rejoice in that teaching and try to follow it by sharing that message with others through our acts of love each day. A smile, a caring word, a compassionate phone call, making a meal for someone who is sick, offering a ride to a doctor's appointment, helping out at a local shelter or soup kitchen, advocating for justice for those unfairly treated, and countless other acts of love show that we have embraced the teaching of Jesus.

Astonishing things are still happening!

1. Who are the teachers who have made the deepest impact on you?

2. Why did Jesus teach with so much authority?

3. What are some of the truths that you have learned from Jesus?

4. How does the teaching of Jesus affect you in your daily life?

5. What are the most astonishing things that you see happening today by those who follow the teachings of Jesus?

6. What do you see as you reflect on Kathy's photo?
(Scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara)

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