Saturday, November 16, 2024



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Watchful   Endurance
Anticipate   Eternal   Signs
The Path of Life
(Photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scriptures: Psalm 16:11

You will show me the path of life.
I will have fullness of joy when I am with You.
I will have delights from your right hand forever.

Mark 13:26 and 27

At that time the Son of Man will come. All of the elect will be gathered together from the end of the earth to the limits of the sky.


It is so important to keep our eyes open and to be vigilant. We see this all the time is sports. A player takes her or his eye off the ball and disaster follows. 

We are called to be watchful for the signs of the times so that we can spread the Good News of Jesus in our culture today. That is why we try to use all aspects of the media to reach out to people where they are.

This watchfulness helps us to endure and not give up. We realize that God will give us opportunities when we least expect them. We never give up.

We anticipate that God will never abandon us. Jesus talks about the Son of Man coming to us. We know that Jesus will always be with us to guide us----if only we are vigilant for the signs of His presence in our lives.

It can be easy for us to walk by someone who is in need and then later realize that person was really Jesus reaching out to us. We can be so involved with our own thoughts and desires that we take our eyes off Jesus in our midst.

The psalmist tells us that God wants to give us delights that are eternal. These gifts from God will last forever.

God sends signs to us that can point us in the direction of those delights. We can experience true joy when we listen to beautiful music that lifts our spirit. We can know how deeply God cares for us when we encounter the power of creation as we explore the limits of the sky.

When we are vigilant for these signs, we are led on the path of life. We grow closer to God and to our sisters and brothers. 

Jesus talks about the return of the Son of Man in our passage from Mark. We see that return all the time each time we care for those who have no home, no food, no friends, and no hope. We are called to show them the way to the path of life.  

Will we keep our eyes open?

1. How do you try to stay vigilant for the signs of God's presence in your life?

2. What are some of the opportunities God has given you recently to spread the Good News?

3. What do you experience as you meditate on Kathy's photo?
(Scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara) 

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