Friday, November 8, 2024



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Sacrificially   Unhindered
Trusting    Offering   Generously
She From Her Poverty
(Photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Mark 12:44

Jesus was talking to His disciples about a widow who was making her contribution to the treasury:
"The others have given from their surplus wealth, but the widow, from her poverty, has given all that she had, her whole livelihood."


Jesus notices the widow as she approaches to make her contribution to the treasury. He frequently points out people that others overlook. 

She becomes an example of a person who is willing to sacrifice all that she has for God. Her giving is not hindered by her lack of means.

She puts her trust in God and becomes an example for all of us. Are we willing to give all as she did?

Many of us hold back because we want to make sure that we have enough to cover our needs. This widow challenges us to examine the ways we give and to ask if we can do more.

Her generosity is amazing. We have all been touched by either personal experiences or stories we have heard about people who reach out to give when they encounter someone in need. That type of kindness stays with us forever.

This widow was poor in the material sense; but certainly, she was rich in her love for God and others. She did not hold back.

She gave her all. 

Jesus noticed and pointed out her example.

Will we follow it?

1. How much are you willing to sacrifice for God?

2. What hinders you in giving your all to God?

3. Are there some areas of your life where you can give more to God and to others?

4. Who are some of the people who have touched you with their generosity?

5. What do you experience as you contemplate Kathy's photo?
(Scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara)

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