Tuesday, November 28, 2023



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Grace   Peace
Bestowed   Aroused   Alert
The Time Will Come
(Photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   First Corinthians 1: 3, 8 and 9

Grace to you and peace that is given to you from God and Jesus!
Jesus will keep you firm to the end, pure and alert on the day when Jesus will come again. God is faithful and has called you into community with Jesus.


Our reading from First Corinthians reminds us that God and Jesus want to give us amazing gifts. We are filled with grace and peace.

The grace that God and Jesus give us strengthens us to follow God's way more completely and to reach out to each person we meet with compassion. I was talking with someone this week who was trying to live that compassion by reaching out to those she disagreed with. Instead of judging them, she was seeking the grace to accept them with love.

The peace that God and Jesus want to give us helps us to build peace within ourselves. When that peace grows in our hearts, we can transform our communities and our world. God and Jesus are leading us to that Peace.

In times of war we all wonder why God does not end the conflicts that we see all around us. If God wants to give us peace, why do we have war?

The peace that God wants to give us can work to end the wars we see. We have to embrace it and spread it. God and Jesus are always giving us the gift of peace; but we have to accept that wonderful gift and change the attitudes of hate and injustice that lead to war.

Jesus can keep us firm in the pursuit of peace and justice. We are called to be faithful to the message that Jesus gives us.

We know that it is not easy because we see so much war and injustice around us. We also know that God and Jesus give us the grace to overcome the obstacles that surround us. 

Jesus calls us into community so that we do not face these challenges alone. We unite with our sisters and brothers to spread the grace and peace we have been given by God and Jesus.

Paul reminds us in this reading that God is faithful. God will help us and grace us. We have to be alert to what has been bestowed on us. We have to watch for those moments of grace and be aroused by that new life that God and Jesus give us that leads to Peace. 

Accept the grace.

Spread the peace!

1. When have you felt the grace of God and Jesus in your life?

2. How do you reach out with compassion to people with whom you disagree?

3. Do you see any connection between building peace within yourself and creating more peace in our communities and our world?

4. Why do we have so many wars in our world today?

5. Do you feel God's faithfulness in your life?

6. What do you see as you reflect on Kathy's photo?
(Scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara)

Saturday, November 25, 2023


The Spiritual Waiting Room

Brothers   Sisters
Feed   Welcome   Clothe
You Did For Me
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:  Matthew 25:40 

And the king will tell them, "I say to you that if you helped one of the least of my sisters or brothers, you did it for me."


Who are the least?

It is an interesting question. Some might determine the least by the size of their bank account others by the size of their house. 

Some might judge them the least by their lack of talent at a particular sport or by their low grades in school. Still others might look at the quality of clothes they wear or the type of car they drive.

Jesus seems to indicate that the least are the ones we overlook or ignore. We can look at our reaction to the homeless or the immigrants or those in refugee camps. Do we walk away from them? Do we want to send them to another country or another state? Do we just ignore them?

It is not an easy call. We can be afraid of what the least might do to us. We can legitimately wonder if they are dangerous. We can think that they might attack us. We can be genuinely afraid that we might enable them by giving them too much and make them dependent on us.

All of these reactions are reasonable and understandable. People have been physically hurt by trying to reach out to someone who seems to be in need but yet is mentally or emotionally unstable.

Jesus is calling us to something that is difficult. It is a challenge for us. Many times we will not do it. We will turn away.

When we do muster up enough courage and strength to reach out to the least, we will not always get a positive response. The person might be confused and wonder why we are reaching out. They might take advantage of our kindness.

We don't do it for a reward, to get credit, or to be praised. We reach out to the least for a very simple and direct reason as Jesus indicates so clearly in this teaching. We do it because that person is Jesus.

Jesus lets us know in this parable that He is present in each person we meet. We can not turn away from those who need food, shelter, and clothing because if we do that, we are turning away from Jesus.

In this sense there are no "least" in the Kingdom of Jesus. Jesus is all in all.

Jesus has chosen to Love each person He has created. He has formed each person in His image and likeness. 

We are all the "least" and we are all the "most". 

We are Loved with a Love that transcends those distinctions and has chosen to dwell with us.

We have an amazing King in Jesus----a King who has only one desire.

To Love each and every person. 

How could we ever turn our backs on the "least" and yet say that we are following Jesus?

1. How would you describe those who are the "least"?

2. Why do you turn away from the "least"?

3. Why are we called to reach out to the "least"?

4. Is there really anyone who is "least" in the Kingdom of Jesus?

5. How would you describe the "kingship" of Jesus?

6. What do you feel as you contemplate Kathy's photo?
(Scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara)    


Thursday, November 16, 2023



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Talents   Gifts
Entrusted   Received   Traded
Share Your Master's Joy
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture: Matthew 25:20 and 21

The servant who had received the five talents came to report what he had done. He said, "Master i took the five that you gave me and I have made five more."

The Master said to him, "That is wonderful! You did so well in this small matter, that I will now be able to give you even more responsibilities. Come now and share in your master's joy."


Is is hard sometimes to give an "account" of ourselves and our actions. We can be afraid that someone is going to judge us and point out our shortcomings.

In this passage from Matthew there are three servants. Two of them do well. No problem. The third was given only the one talent. Unfortunately he buried it in the ground because he was afraid of his master. 

That can easily  happen to us. Out of fear of not doing well we can step back from a challenge. We can think of someone who is trying out for a team. She or he might notice that there are a lot of people who are trying out for just a few spots. The person might think that it would be impossible to make the team and just withdraw.

The fear can dominate. It is hard to give an account of ourselves.

This Master knows each of the servants very well. He has given talents according to the abilities of the servant. Our problem is that we don't always trust the Master. Our fears cripple us.

The amazing thing is that when we do use our talents, we can accomplish so much. Our efforts can lead to great things. We can touch the lives of those in need and lift them up.

Think of the teachers who have helped you to believe in yourself; the coaches who have encouraged you; the spiritual advisers who taught you how to pray; and the friends who supported you when you were filled with doubts. 

The Master models that for us. When the two servants return to him, he lets them know that he wants them to share his joy. 

We give our account. We try our best. We use the talents that God has shared so generously with us. 

Our effort pales in comparison with the Love of the Master who just wants to surround us with JOY. This joy overcomes our fears and strengthens us to work for justice and peace. We can take on even greater responsibilities.

Time to spread that JOY!

1. How do you feel when you are asked to give an account of how you use your talents?

2. Why is it so hard to overcome our fear of being judged?

3. What are some ways that you have used your talents to help others?

4. Who are some people who have lifted you up when you were struggling?

5. What do you see as you reflect on Kathy's photo?
(Scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara) 

Thursday, November 9, 2023


The Spiritual Waiting Room


Second Coming

Be Faithful Pray

Have Your Lamps Trimmed


(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture: Matthew 25: 1 to 6

The kingdom of heaven is like ten virgins who came with their lamps to greet the bridegroom.

Five of them were unprepared and five had prepared well.

The ones who did not prepare well failed to bring oil for their lamps but the wise ones did.

It took the bridegroom a long time to come and so they fell asleep.

At midnight the cry came, "The bridegroom is close. Come to meet him."


As we all realize, it is so important to prepare. We see this many times in all areas of life. In the story from Matthew, Jesus points out what can happen when we either do or do not prepare well.

The five virgins who did not prepare with extra oil will be excluded from the feast. They will miss out simply because they did not plan well.

How can we prepare for the encounter with Jesus, our bridegroom? Is it possible for us to spend some more time in prayer, to read the scriptures more, to reach out to those in need?

Each one of us has an opportunity to take some time to reflect on what we can do to get ready to meet Jesus on a deeper level. 

We know that the bridegroom wants to come to be with us. We also know that it is easy to get distracted and to miss our chance to see Jesus. We can be blinded by our selfishness and lack of effort.

The oil that we need for our lamps to be trimmed is all around us. As we open our eyes, we can see Jesus in the needs of our sisters and brothers who need food, shelter, and clothing. The more we give to them, the more oil we will have for our lamps. 

Let us go now and meet Jesus with our lamps overflowing with oil!

1. How important have you found it to be prepared in your life?

2.  What are some of the ways that you have found to assist you in encountering Jesus?

3. Can you think of a time in your life when you were distracted and failed to see Jesus?

4. Where do you get the oil that you need for your lamp?

5. What do you see as you reflect on Kathy's photo?

(Scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara)

Friday, November 3, 2023



Spiritual Waiting Room

Nursing     Mother
Shared     Transmitted      Received
In You Who Believe
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   1 Thessalonians 2:7b to 8, 13

Although we could have imposed our authority on you as an apostle of Christ, we were gentle with you, in the same way as a nursing mother cares for her children. 

With such love for you, we were committed to share with you who believe not only the gospel of God, but our very selves as well, because you had become to us so dearly loved. 

You have received not just human words but the word of God which is at work in you who believe.


What a beautiful image for a Church community!

A nursing mother caring for her children.

This is what Church should be. We should feel that love and care for one another. Giving to one another. Strengthening one another. Helping one another to grow.

We gather together to share the word of God. We reflect together on the scriptures and gradually begin to realize the plan God has for us.

It is in that sharing of God's word that we realize the deep bond that unites us all. The superficial differences that seem to divide fall away because we are invited to lay down our lives for one another. We are called to serve. 

We can serve one another because we have been nurtured by the Love of Jesus and the love of one another in our Church community. We can accept each other, even with those many differences, because we have been accepted. We have been nursed on the pure milk of Love.

It is a challenge for all of us to create that type of Church community in which all feel welcome and included. No one is left out. 

We have a special call to reach out to those who feel excluded and who have felt the sting of rejection. We have to nurture them with the milk we have been given by Jesus.

It is the Gospel.

It is the Good News.

We all rejoice in it!

1. What do you feel when you see an image of a mother nursing her young child?

2. What is your image of the Church?

3. How important is sharing the word of God for you?

4. What is the bond that unites us all in the Church?

5. What do you feel as you reflect on Kathy's photo?
(Scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara)


  The Spiritual Waiting Room Lent Solitude   Fasting Resist   Evil   Temptations Cling To His Word Deliverance (Photo and poem by Kathy McNa...