Thursday, December 31, 2020


 The Spiritual Waiting Room

Tranquility     Serenity
Lasting     Completing     Reposing
He Shall Be Peace
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture: Micah 5: 1; 3 to 4a

But you, Bethlehem-Ephrathah, who are the least from all the tribes of Judah, from you shall come forth for me the one who will rule over Israel; His origin is from of old, from the beginnings. He shall become the shepherd of the people because of the strength of the Lord and the great name of the Lord, His God. They shall dwell securely  because His greatness shall spread throughout the entire world: He shall be peace.


From this tiny town of Bethlehem the prophet Micah tells us that a special person will come forward to lead Israel. 

We hear in our scripture reading that He has been around for a long time. He was here from the beginning Micah tells us; but it sounds like we have all missed Him. We wonder if "His origin is from of old", why does He have to come forth now?

Perhaps we have been too busy focusing on other issues. We have lost sight of the message. We all know that this is so easy to do. There are so many distractions. 

He will now be even more present to the People of God. He will become the Shepherd of Israel. That is such a beautiful image.

The Shepherd knows the sheep individually. He calls them by name. He cares for them. He leads them to a safe place. He protects them.

In a truly remarkable line, Micah tells us that "He shall be peace." This is an amazing thought.

The Shepherd will not just bring us peace. He will actually BE peace.

All of us search for true peace. We are upset at the division and hatred that we see around us. We look at the wars that seem to never end, the terrorist threats that make us uncomfortable, the senseless murders that we read about. We know that there must be something better.

Kathy's photo was taken from the broadcast of the Christmas Mass from St. Peter's Basilica on Christmas Eve. We see the baby lying in the manger underneath the Word of God in the Book of the Gospels.

The baby that came forth from that tiny village of Bethlehem so long ago to Shepherd us to a safe place, a secure place, a place of Peace.

We ask for the grace to accept that Peace, to live that Peace, and to become Peace ourselves. We know that God will give us that strength. With that help we can all become peacemakers and spread that gift of Shalom throughout the whole world.

Peace be with you!

1. If the Shepherd has been around from the "beginning", why did He have to come into the world when He did?

2. How does the image of the shepherd speak to you?

3. What is true peace for you?

4. How can you BE peace?

Wednesday, December 23, 2020


 The Spiritual Waiting Room


A time to celebrate the love within
So much caring, so much giving
I am amazed at the gift
I wonder at the mystery all around

Jesus comes to be with me
He dwells in a simple cave
The animals surround the manger
The silence of that night overwhelms

Why does God choose to be one with us?
The Creator of the world chooses us
Our faith is challenged by Love
The Good News seems far too good

Angels proclaim a heavenly song
The music transcends my doubts
I sense a stirring in my soul
"Peace on earth" is the call

The shepherds come in hope
They know the simple calls
Hearing the voices of the heart
Amazed now at what they see

Mary holds a growing Jesus
Surrounded by animals in their home
She does not think of discomfort
She looks into the eyes of Love

Joseph supports his fragile family
He greets the shepherds as brothers
His dreams have guided his faith
He feels the fullness of Mary's yes

I gather with them in this night
To feel the oneness with the holy
Angels guide me to this place
Mary and Joseph lead me home
(Photo and poem by John J. McNamara)

Friday, December 18, 2020


The Spiritual Waiting Room

Cocoon     Immerse
Encircling     Encasing     Enveloping
Circle of the Earth
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Prayer Intercession:

Help all of your children, O Lord, and enwrap them in your faithful Love.
(prayer intercession adapted by John J. McNamara)


Kathy's picture came to her on one of our journeys. We were walking along the beach one day and Kathy looked down and saw this very different shell.

As she picked it up and looked at it, she was amazed at what she saw. It reminded her of a little child wrapped in swaddling clothes.

So many times she had wrapped our children and grandchildren in those swaddling clothes. It made them feel secure and loved.

In our intercession this day we pray for all of our children.

We pray for the children who are not wanted by their parents.

We pray for the children who are battling illness.

We pray for the children who are having challenges in school.

We pray for the children who are hungry---both those who are hungry for spiritual and physical nourishment.

We ask that all of these children who need help might be enwrapped in the faithful Love of God.

That faithful Love comes from each of us who keep our eyes open to the world around us. Through our concern and caring that Love comes alive in the children around us.

Their lives are transformed.

As are ours!

1. What do you see as you gaze upon Kathy's photo?

2. Whom are the children you are praying for?

3. Have you ever been enwrapped in the faithful Love of God? 


Friday, December 11, 2020


 The Spiritual Waiting Room


Glorious Marvelous

Astonishing Amazing Praising

You Are God's Masterpiece


(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:  Psalm 107: 1, 2,13 to 15

"Give thanks to the Lord who is good. The Love of God lasts forever. " Let those redeemed by God always proclaim this. When they were in need, they cried out to the Lord. God came to them and helped them in their troubles, leading them away from the darkness and the struggle with death. God broke those chains that bound them. Let us now give thanks to God for that grace and for the wonders God shares with us.

(scripture adapted by John J. McNamara)


What is your favorite painting? I can remember a trip to the Museum of Modern Art and everyone was gathered around Vincent Van Gogh's masterpiece Starry Night

No one could believe that they were so close to such a famous work of art. As I looked around at the expressions on so many faces, I could see the wonder and amazement. For many it was a special encounter with their favorite work of art.

The sunset above is another masterpiece. We look at it and it takes our breath away. The vibrancy of the color, the reflection on the water, the power and attraction of the light all combine to transport our spirits to a different place. We experience wonder. 

Can I be a masterpiece as well? Does God see me as a masterpiece? Am I even more valuable than Starry Night in the eyes of God? 

The psalmist speaks to us of the goodness of God and the eternal Love that God desires to share with us. With that Love God reaches out to us in times of darkness and struggle. God breaks the chains that bind us.

The chain could be a remark made in haste by a friend. It hurt us and caused us pain. Sometimes the friend who made the remark does not even realize the pain that has been caused.

God reaches out to us in Love. The chain is broken. We can experience wonder and gratitude once again. 

God created each one of us as a masterpiece and so we are. Could we have a more talented artist creating us? No effort is spared. Every detail is special. Each one of us unique. A masterpiece.

1. What is your favorite work of art?

2. Can you think of a moment of darkness and struggle where God reached out to you?

3. Do you consider yourself to be God's masterpiece?

Friday, December 4, 2020


 The Spiritual Waiting Room

Intercessor Intermediary
Journeying Protecting Guiding
Raphael Means God Heals
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:  Tobit 12: 11 to 12

I will tell you the whole truth and conceal nothing at all from you. I said to you before, "We should keep a king's secret to ourselves but the works of God must be celebrated with great distinction." I brought your prayer, Tobit and Sarah, before God; and when you went to bury the dead, I put you to the test. God sent me to heal your daughter-in-law. I am Raphael and I stand before the Glory of God with seven angels.
(scripture adapted by John J. Mcnamara)



In this scripture story Raphael helps Tobit and his family who are facing difficult circumstances. Tobit has become blind and he needs to send his son, Tobiah, on a journey to get money that he has left in a far off country. Raphael successfully guides Tobiah on his journey and assists in the healing of Tobit's blindness. 

Raphael is a great sign to us of God's amazing concern for all of us. Kathy's photo of the Holy Spirit reminds us of how that concern can bring God's radiant light into the shadow times in our lives. 

 Our scripture also talks to us about celebrating the works of God "with great distinction". We have so much to celebrate----the works of God surround us every day.

One of those works is the work of prayer. Raphael talks about bringing the prayers of Tobit and his wife, Sarah, to God. It is so reassuring to realize that when I pray to God there is an angel who is helping with my inadequacies in trying to communicate with the Lord. 

 Raphael came as a healer. God takes such an interest in us! God sends angels to help us in so many unexpected ways. 

I think of all the angels in my life: family, friends, coworkers, teachers and students. 

I remember one experience in particular. We were driving home after our Christmas celebration with our car packed with presents. I was on the parkway and I suddenly noticed that there was smoke coming out from underneath the hood.

I pulled off and realized that we were in trouble. It was a cold night and our young children were in the car. Out of the blue a car pulled next to me and a man got out who knew exactly what the problem was. 

One of the belts had come loose and he was able to adjust it so we could make it home. As he drove off I thanked God for sending such a wonderful angel to help us get home safely on such a cold night.

 Those angels that God sends to us open our eyes and our hearts to God's healing and care!

1. How do you picture angels in your life?

2. What are some of the works of God that surround you every day?

3. In what ways does your faith challenge you and help you to heal?


  The Spiritual Waiting Room Lent Solitude   Fasting Resist   Evil   Temptations Cling To His Word Deliverance (Photo and poem by Kathy McNa...