Friday, April 30, 2021



The Spiritual Waiting Room

True     Fruit-Bearing
Pruning     Connecting     Abiding
I Remain In You
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   John 15: 1 to 5

I am the true vine.
My Father is the grower and
Prunes the branches that do not bear fruit.
You have been pruned already
Because I shared my word with you.
Remain in me as
I remain in you.
A branch cannot bear fruit on its own.
It must remain on the vine.
I am the vine.
You are the branches.
(scripture adapted by John J. McNamara) 


In our reading from the Gospel of John Jesus is inviting us to bear much fruit. We all love to have fruitful lives and to spread all the gifts that Jesus gives to us.

In order to do that some pruning is required. We all know what happens when we neglect to prune our trees and bushes----they grow wild and the quantity and the quality of the fruit suffers.

So how do we do that pruning? Jesus gives us the key when he talks about the pruning that He has done already for the apostles.

The pruning is accomplished when we reflect on the Word of God. Jesus has left us with the sacred scriptures to guide us and to help us stay in touch with His message.

To do this type of pruning we have to take our time to reflect on the Word. We have to savor it like a good wine and not to rush through it. We have to ponder the meaning of the Word for us and apply it to our lives. We have to become one with the Word.

When we do this, we remain in Jesus. He remains in us.

Jesus shows that He wants to be close to us. He comes to us to share His life and His Love. Jesus is not a God of distance but a God of intimacy. 

Much fruit flows from our intimacy with Jesus. We know that we have been blessed and we want to share that blessing with each person we meet. 

We do not bear that fruit on our own. It comes from and through Jesus because we have remained in Jesus.

We serve Him and He produces the fruit through our efforts. His vine nourishes us and sustains us. 

Remain in Him.

1. What fruit have you been bearing?

2. How have you been pruned lately?

3. Do you remain in Jesus?

Friday, April 23, 2021



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Salvation     Mystery
Comprehending     Enlightening     Gracing
A Love Beyond Understanding
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Ephesians  3: 8 to 12

To me, the very least of all the holy ones, this grace was bestowed, to share with the Gentiles the amazing riches of Christ, and to let everyone know what the mystery of God's plan that was secret in past ages even though God created all things. Now the powerful wisdom of God can now be made known by the church to the principalities and authorities in the heavens. This was according to the everlasting purpose that God accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord, in whom we have boldness of speech and firmness of access through faith in him.
(scripture adapted by John J. McNamara)a


St. Paul is sharing how God has shared the grace that enables him to reach out to the Gentiles, those who were not of the Jewish faith. He is going to reveal a mystery to them---it was secret in past times. 

Imagine how Paul felt. What a privilege to be able to share God's plan with those who are seeking to know God better and to live a life in harmony with what God wants.

Isn't that our situation today? God has made known His Plan---He has told us this "powerful wisdom". 

It is a plan and a wisdom that we see in creation. We admire it in the beauty that we see all around us. We encounter God each day as we are amazed at how intricate God's gift of creation is.

In addition to that revelation St. Paul tells us that we have also received that plan and that wisdom through Jesus who came to fulfill the Law and the Prophets and to show us how deeply and completely our God loves us.

St. Paul tells us how this knowledge gives us a boldness of speech. We know that we are loved and we can share that with deep conviction. 

It fills us, as it filled St. Paul, with a deep joy and a sense of gratitude. It sustained St. Paul through all of his trials and hardships. It helped him not to waver in the face of opposition, stoning, and imprisonment.

That deep joy gives us the access to faith that we can celebrate each day and spread to others. It reminds us of the Love of God for us---a Love that is beyond our limited human understanding.

Our photo was taken during a walk on the beach. The Light through the rock reminded us of the power of God's Love for each one of us. That knowledge fills us with Peace!

1. How do you feel when you share God's plan of salvation with other people?

2. How do you personally encounter God in creation?

3.What does Jesus show you about God's plan for salvation? 

4.What is the source of your joy? 

First Formed

 The Spiritual Waiting Room

First Formed
Created     Righteous
Raising     Empowering     Saving
Piloting On Frailest Wood
(picture and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture: Wisdom 10: 1 to 4

Wisdom preserved the first-formed father of the world when he alone had been created; and she raised him up when he was down after the fall and gave him power to take care of all creation. But when an unjust man turned away from her in his anger, he was destroyed by fratricidal anger. When on his account the earth was flooded, Wisdom again preserved it, piloting the just man on frailest wood. 
(scripture adapted by John J. McNamara)


Wisdom is truly amazing!

This reading describes the important role that Wisdom has in Bible history. It starts in the very beginning with the story of Adam.

Adam was at a low point after the Fall. He had lost his way. He had given into the temptation to ignore the Wisdom of God. 

Just like the temptations we all face. We think that we can go it on our own. Why do we need God? Our wisdom is much better than the Wisdom of God.

Wisdom, of course, has the final word. She picks Adam up after his Fall and helps him recover. 

This is such a beautiful story in the Bible. We tend to concentrate on the sin of Adam and we miss the healing power and kindness of Wisdom.

The role of Wisdom is always to pick us up, heal us, and point us in a positive and more loving direction.

Wisdom does the same with Cain after he kills his brother and also helps Noah and his family survive the Flood.

These beautiful stories show us what the true role of Wisdom is: our "frailest wood" gets support and help from Wisdom. We are raised up and brought to new life.

Wisdom does not abandon us when we mess up. Wisdom does not forget us and we forget her. Wisdom does not neglect us when we turn away from her.

Enjoy the warmth of Wisdom!

1. Why do we ignore the Wisdom of God?

2. Why is it easy for us to miss the healing power of Wisdom in the Bible?

3. What is the role of Wisdom in your life?

Friday, April 16, 2021



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Spirit-filled     Community
Believing     Testifying     Resurrecting
Our Ancestors In Faith
(picture and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Acts of the Apostles 4: 32 to 36

The community of the faithful was of one heart and one mind, and none of them thought that any of their possessions belonged to them alone for they held everything in common. With great power the apostles bore witness to the resurrection of Jesus, and great blessing was showered upon all of them.

There was no needy person among them since those who owned property or houses would sell them and give the proceeds of the sale and lay them at the feet of the apostles.

They were given to each one according to need.
(scripture adapted by John J. McNamara)


This reading from the Acts of the Apostles tells us a lot about life in the early Church. It challenges us to have that same unity of mind and heart that these first followers of Jesus showed.

What a witness for us! Imagine if we followed this example and tried to take care of those in our community who were in need.

Our possessions are blessings from God that are meant to be shared. We witness to a different way of life----a Spirit-filled trust in our God who is always there for us.

It is hard to overcome that selfishness which puts us first and to accept the power of the resurrection which transforms our lives.
We have to realize that we are not alone. We are connected to a community.

Our connection goes back through history to all of those in the Communion of Saints who are so deeply connected with us. They have gone before us in faith and they are always with us.

These witnesses have gone before us and shown us that it is possible to put others first and that it can transform both us and our world. We can think of our ancestors who travelled to a new land to create a better life for their families.

We can think of those like Mother Cabrini who came to America and started orphanages, schools, and hospitals to help those in need. 
We can remember those like Bishop Oscar Romero who advocated for the needs of the poorest among us.

Kathy's photo from the Easter baptisms at St. Francis Xavier Church in New York City shows that journey continuing today. We welcome all into our community so that we can share our blessings of faith and be enriched by the faith of those who have been led to our Church by the Holy Spirit.

Spread the Good News of the Resurrection of Jesus by the witness of your life!

1. Can you think of any special witnesses of faith in your life?

2. How are you called to be a witness to the Resurrection of Jesus?

3. What comes to your mind and heart as you think of the Communion of Saints? 

Thursday, April 15, 2021



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Daily     Inspirational
Deepening     Sharing     Nourishing
Rain Down Heavenly Bread
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Exodus 16:4 to 7a

The Lord spoke to Moses: I will rain down bread from heaven for you. Each day the people will gather enough bread for that day. This will be a test for them. I will see if they follow my word to them.
On the sixth day it will be different. They will collect twice as much bread on that day.
Moses and Aaron spoke to the people and said, "At night you will know that it is the Lord who led you out of the land of Egypt; and in the morning you will see the majesty of the Lord."
(scripture adapted by John J. McNamara)


This passage from the Book of Exodus speaks of an amazing series of events in the journey of the Israelites from Egypt to the promised Land. As they were traveling through some rather harsh lands, the people were naturally upset.

Where would they get their food? Did Moses lead them out in the desert to die?

These, of course, are vary natural and normal concerns. It's great to be out of slavery but where will it lead. At least in Egypt the people knew what they were dealing with each day and they could adapt to it.

This journey was full of so many unknowns. It reminds us of our own daily struggles. We wonder what is going to happen in a world of climate change, global conflicts, a refugee crisis.

In the midst of this uncertainty, God tells Moses that the situation is under control. God will provide enough bread for the people each day.

Some commentators will point out that this is not really a miracle because there is a bread-like substance that grows in the area that the Israelites were traveling. 

The miracle is actually a miracle of faith: do we really believe that God will provide? Will my portion be enough for me?

We live in a world of contradiction. One third of the food we produce is thrown out as waste. Yet the United Nations estimates that 25,000 people (including 10,000 children) die from hunger and related causes each day (

God provides an abundance for us but for various reasons we have a problem in sharing it. In our passage from the Book of Exodus God seems to know that it will be hard for the people to just take what they need for the day. There seems to be an implication that we will want to take more than we need for the day.

That can lead to some not having enough. As Kathy's photo indicates "Give us this day our daily bread."

Is that enough for us?

1. What are some of the uncertainties that you (like the Israelites) have to deal with? 

2. Do you really believe that God will provide?

3. Why do we have a problem in sharing the abundance with which God has blessed us?

Friday, April 9, 2021



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Faithful     Apostolic
Witnessing     Sharing     Rebirthing
Whom do you seek?
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   John 20: 11 to 15

Mary Magdalene remained outside the tomb weeping. As she was weeping, she looked into the tomb and saw two angels in there. One was at the head and one at the feet where the Body of Jesus had been. They said to her, "Woman, why are you weeping?" She said to them, "They have taken my Lord, and I don't know where they have put him." When she said this, she turned around and saw Jesus there, but did not know it was Jesus. Jesus said to her, "Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you looking for?"
(scripture adapted by John J. McNamara)


When Mary Magdalene came to the tomb where the body of Jesus had been laid she saw that the rock had been rolled back and it was empty! She began to weep.

As she gets up the courage to look into the tomb, she is surprised to see two angels there. They ask her why she is weeping.

She is focused on finding the body of Jesus. She tells them that she wants to know where her Lord was taken. At this point she hears another voice say, "Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you looking for?" Mary thinks that Jesus is the gardener and maybe he has taken the body away!    

When Jesus calls her name, she knows Him immediately and calls out to Him "Rabbouni" (which means Teacher). She realizes that Jesus is truly risen!

How amazing is this encounter! Mary Magdalene goes from weeping to JOY!

She knows that she can truly believe in Jesus. He has overcome death and sin.

She becomes an apostle to the apostles as she brings news of the Risen Jesus to the twelve. She shows no fear. 

She evangelizes immediately. She becomes an example to all of us.

Spread the Good News. He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!

1. How do you relate to Mary Magdalene? Have you ever had moments in your life where you felt like you had lost everything that you loved and were experiencing a deep darkness like being in                            a tomb?   

2. Jesus asks Magdalena, "Who are you looking for?" When He calls our name, and asks us the same question, what will we answer?                         

Saturday, April 3, 2021


The Spiritual Waiting Room 

Morning     Star
Reflecting     Revealing     Transforming
Then Thou Shall See
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)


Help us to obtain a true knowledge of salvation , O Radiant Light, as we pray with faith. Help us to cast aside our darkness and to find our true freedom with You!
(Prayer adapted by John J. McNamara)


There is so much that is false and deceptive that can surround us. We hear much talk of "fake" news, crazy claims, fraud, rumors not based in fact, and groundless conspiracy theories.

We can certainly ask ourselves "What is true knowledge?"

We turn for that truth to Jesus who is our Radiant Light. We know that Jesus will not lead us astray.

He has come to help and to heal. When we follow the teachings of Jesus and try to be compassionate and caring, we are on the path of true knowledge of salvation. 

Jesus came to save us from the darkness that can consume us and confuse us. Salvation is the gift that Jesus invites us to accept. He does not force this gift on us.

Jesus shows us by His life that when we respond to His gift of salvation, we will be transformed by the power of His Love and we will reach out to others----especially those who are forgotten, discouraged, and alone.

When we walk in that Light and accept that Gift, we truly are free. We have laid our burdens down and cast our fears and doubts aside. 

It is a freedom we find with God. We realize in our prayer that we are not alone. God is walking with us.

Kathy's photo came to her as she was walking with God at the Nature Center. The light was a powerful sign of the Light that guides us all the time.

Rejoice in that Radiant Light!

1. How do you deal with all the deceptions that surround us?

2. How have you found "true knowledge" in your life?

3. What does the gift of salvation mean to you personally?

4. What does it mean for you to be truly "free"?


  The Spiritual Waiting Room Voice Thunderous    Sound Descended   Enveloped   Foretold You're My Beloved Son Listen (Photo and poem by ...